View Full Version : Feebs - My Journal begins

14-02-07, 21:05
Hi everyone again,

Thank you to everyone of you who posted replies the warm welcomes were so encouraging and made me feel like I was one of a pack rather than the one sitting on the side lines :D

As to my journal I did start it that night, I began with my very first attack how it started and how I was feeling. Believe it or not my attack was triggered by my mobile phone going blank (its new had only had it a month) and for some reason I fell into a pile of sobs over the fact that it was not working - from there the attack came on chest tightened and heart started racing like no mans business and the fear that I was going to die is something I really believed.

As I carried on writing about the experience I realised things about my self things like I seem to over analysis things. I try to see every angle and every possible out come to a situation I'm about to face - like I need to have the upper hand no matter what. I realised then and there that I've been feeding my anxiety for most of my life and I'm really surprised it's taken 29 years before my first attack.

I've not been able to stop now and am putting down everything that I feel and see and do during an attack.

Thanks again and speak soon



15-02-07, 20:49
Nice one feebs, onwards and upwards [8D]

My mobile phone has been responsible for some of my panic attacks, usually when I get the bill ;)


15-02-07, 22:43
Hi feebs

We do start to evaluate ourselvesbut that puts us in the positive side of it and you have done great seeing that so early on and moving to that process.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

16-02-07, 09:21
well done Feebs....positive vibes sent ur way hun x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!