View Full Version : Breast Cancer Awareness triggering HA :-(

20-10-15, 18:29
Hi guys, I haven't posted in a little while (i.e.: a few weeks now, which I think is a record!) but since it's Breast Cancer Awareness Week/Month, I've been seeing a LOT about it and it's been really triggering for me in terms of my HA. I've posted before about breast cancer fears and lately I've learnt to accept that it's touchwood unlikely I have it (because of my age)- when I posted before it was because my boobs (my left one mostly) were feeling quite lumpy and they always had been, and after I got my period it seemed to settle down quite a bit. However, I've just come across a Tumblr post and someone was talking about their mother who passed due to it and my immediate reaction was to check myself, and of course I've now found something new to worry about. It's a far smaller, rounder lump-type-thing than before when it seemed to be quite big, whatever it was, and so I'm panicking and scared again. I'm only fifteen and if it's any difference I'm also vegetarian, veering towards vegan for ethical reasons and also because I'm becoming increasingly scared of the risks of eating animal products- I only mention it because I know there's some evidence to say that vegetarians are less likely to get breast cancer, etc etc. But anyway, I suppose I just need someone to reassure me. I don't know what my boobs are meant to feel like, or what isn't normal and that makes me nervous. It's not something I want to go to a doctor about really, since I'd be pretty embarrassed and scared of the outcome more than anything :-( any help? anyone else feel the same?

20-10-15, 20:23
Your boobs will feel lumpy - they are growing. x

20-10-15, 20:26
BCA month always triggers my cancer fears. That is my trigger anyway (cancer) but add in all the awareness and it makes it worse.