View Full Version : Terrified of appendicitis/abdominal issues and hospital

20-10-15, 19:11
Hi everyone
I have HA but have a couple of long standing health problems- migraine and IBS. However my big phobia at present is appendicitis.
On Sunday night I had very painful stitch type pain in my lower right abdomen. It became really uncomfy and I started to worry. I got an out of hours apt at 1am and Dr sent ne to A+E which was a horrible experience. Cutting a long story short after 5 hours I was wheeled to a pre surgery ward with a cannula in my arm and waited for blood results.
Results showed no elevated white blood count and DR was happy that my pain wasn't then severe enough to operate and couldn't say if it was definitely appendix but to go back if pain worsened. She said bloods showed my liver was .'deranged' and she recommended an ultra sound scan that I'll have to arrange via GP. I went away traumatised as my biggest fear(aside from my emetophobia) is having an operation , being put under GA and waking up pumped with morphine and feeling out of it, out if control, and probably being sick.
The pain is still in my lower right side but has also travelled higher as well the past day or so. I worry it's my appendix, or maybe gallstones or ovarian cysts (hospital said it could be any of those) . I went to my regular GP today who sent me for more bloods to see what they are showing with my liver. I don't drink due to my emet and migraine so that's another worry!whats wrong with my liver?! I will
Also pay privately for a scan if GP fobs me off. I just want to 'know' if that makes sense.
Not sure why I'm posting, I just hope I can speak to people I can relate to.
My fear of appendicitis is partly due to how bad it can be and reading horror stories about it being caught barely in time etc, the operation, and the shock of it and the recovery. It'll be similar if I have a cyst or gallstones but I guess not quite as 'urgent'.

I hope I haven't bored anyone :-/