View Full Version : Is excercise a good if you Have Panic Attachs

14-02-07, 21:11
Hello . I was wondering if excercise is a good way to battle stress and anxiety and if it would be a safe way to help cope with it i have been trying all kinds of things and am looking fo anything that will work. can anyone here tell me if this would be a good decision? i have had alot of tests and the doc says that my heart is healthy and that this is all stress related Please help need some input please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

14-02-07, 21:39
The answer to your question, to put it simply, is yes. If you have no health troubles you're aware of that would prevent it, excercising is a great way to help with anxiety or depression. It also helps with panic attacks.

Myself, I was afraid to exercise for the longest time. I was afraid that if I did I'd push myself too hard and have a heart attack. It wasn't a rational fear as I'm in pretty good health, but it did hold me back for a time. I found though, that as I started, I could do it, then I'd do a little more, then a little more.

An important thing to remember though is to stretch before exercising. If you know some good stretches, use them before an excercise, you may wish to warm up as well before stretching, as this will prepare your body. Warming up is simple and can be done just by walking in place at a slightly faster than normal pace for a couple minutes or so. (If you don't know anything about stretching, ask at your nearest gym, or ask a friend or family member to help you)

That said, walking just thirty minutes a day can provide a big difference. Depending on your climate and how cold it is, I'd suggest starting out by walking each day, a couple hours after breakfast, or before it. Remember to warm up and stretch first though. It is very important to stretch your muscles before exercise so that you don't strain them too much or pull any muscles or anything.

Be gentle with yourself, don't try to sprint around the block on your first attempt. Take it slow and get into exercise technique, never push it. If you feel you can walk thirty minutes, great, a treadmill or just walking down the road is really good. If you can only do fifteen, or ten, that's fine too, start out at your own pace and gradually increase it over time.

Also be sure to slow yourself down as you near the end of your exercise, cooling down will help you to maintain balance. Stretch as well after exercising, just doing the same stretches you did before.

You may also want to check out yoga, as this is great for helping you to stretch your muscles and to gradually increase your strength without pushing yourself too hard. Overall, yoga is very balanced and should help to increase the tolerance and strength of all your muscles over time.

One more thing, if you're a smoker, it would be great to quit. Quitting will help your breathing become easier and steadier as you work out. If you don't smoke, congratulations on being so smart! I haven't given them up yet myself. I've smoked for a long time and it's been difficult for me to try quitting. Nonetheless, exercise is good no matter if you smoke or not.

God bless you and good luck,


15-02-07, 08:14
yes yes yes, exercise helps to use up the adreniline that fear puts into your body-the fight and flight, that's what it's there for, to help you run. Exercise definately makes you feel better if you can get yourself to do it.

15-02-07, 16:17
It's mostly been covered. I believe it does but you need to perform it regularly in my opinion to feel the most benefit.

Build up slowly and try to do it daily. Aerobic exercise maintained for a reasonable period you feel happy with is better than short, sharp activity such as weight training in my opinion. 30 mins areobic activity 3 times a week excluding warm up and cool down is a good target to start with.

I built up by walking daily at first then moved to cycling, swimming, jogging and football.

Good luck.

Trev :D

16-02-07, 13:01
Thanks for the info on the excercise i think i am going to try working out and see if that helps maybe i can get rid of thes attachs


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!