View Full Version : Crackling in lungs but Dr not concerned?!

21-10-15, 03:13
HI all,
I thought crackling in lungs meant you had an infection - however my Dr just said he can hear crackling - doesn't that mean pneumonia?

He said to give it another couple of days and if i still feel bad to go back in.

I"m concerned about that.
He just said my airways are sticky with mucus.


Should i be concerned - I'm really congested and really over it.
He gave me steroids and I've just taken an infant does as he knows me well and knows I won't take an adult dose!

21-10-15, 12:44
Mucus production increases due to inflammation as in my asthma and you will have noticed how that happens with irritations and allergies e.g. hayfever, colds, etc.

Steroid treatment is the next stage after antibiotics for infections which I had had many times a a child so you will be fine on them. He will have to see if the infant dose is enough though.

He can rule out pleurisy very easily with the symptoms and listening to your breathing. Yes, crackling can mean pneumonia BUT it can also mean fluid build up or excess mucus.

My mum had pneumonia a few months back and got through it fine. She was much better after a few days if treatment. I'm telling you this because I don't want you to think it's really bad...because my mum is in her mid seventies which several health conditions so it would be more difficult for her to deal with it. I also had it when I was about 17 and it just took a while to get all my energy back. So, don't think pneumonia is anything really serious as it doesn't have to be. If you get pain, especially the back, then contact your GP as pneumonia progresses and this is what happened to both of us.

21-10-15, 15:19
I've also had pneumonia too, I fully recovered, stayed in hospital for 12 hours, given iv antibiotics and then a course of oral ones.