View Full Version : Waves of depression after severe panic attack

21-10-15, 14:09
I've been very stressed lately and a lot has happened and I've been ill so I've been run down and my anxiety was through the roof but it all came to a head 2 days ok when I took the worst of the panics I've had lately, they were through the roof and I had another bad one last night which left me with a horrible sinking feeling like depression afterwards. I haven't felt this much after a severe panic so it really got to me. It would come in waves and then stay constant for a while. I felt it really in the pit of my stomach and I have been very conscious of my heart and breathing after those 2 panics and my upper back muscles are killing me.

I couldn't stop crying last night after that attack as I was so down, I really can't describe the desperation and the hopelessness feeling. It was horrid. I had to go over to my mum and gran's to calm down.

Today I managed to go into town with them for a wee while. At first I really couldn't face it at all and left them after 15 mins but on the walk back home I remembered the things that Claire Weekes said and I thought **** it! and I called my mum back and I went back in and met them and we went for lunch and around the shops for another hour or so and I walked home. The flashes of that horrible depressive feeling came back every so often. I also have no appetite. I have ate a few small things though. I do feel the hunger which I suppose is good because usually when I am stressed, I don't feel the hunger even if I haven't ate at all, all day. I am proud that I managed to go back after walking away and its lifted me up a bit but I hate this feeling that keeps coming back every few mins or so often. I also feel like I can't fully relax which only adds extra pain to my back. I also keep crying every so often, either out of desperation or happy tears because I feel proud of going into town or even just small things like eating and exercising.

Has anyone else ever felt those depressive feelings after a panic? I just feel very alone at the moment. My mum and gran and great but I feel like they don't understand how I truly feel, but I suppose we all feel like that,. Its horrible. I would take the panic over that any day tbh. That feeling was making me dread to face the day. I wouldn't wish that or panic on anyone.

21-10-15, 15:21
I don't get waves of depression, but I do feel extremely despondent and worthless .
When I look around, everyone else seems to function.

You should be proud you went back and continued the shopping trip. Esp as you were feeling bad.
It is horrible, but if we don't push forward. We will end up recluses.

You are not alone, even if your family can't understand (lucky them) we do, on here x

21-10-15, 17:18
Awesome of you for going back! THIS right here is exactly what will help all of us conquer anxiety disorder. It is OK to go away from a panic-inducing situation if one feels we need to; however, there is a huge difference in leaving completely or just taking a break and going back. This was a good move for you.

As far as the depression, I don't really get it. However, I do get down and disappointed in myself if I feel I failed at something my anxiety won over. This is normal and most likely has a hormone component to it. Cortisol will make you feel this way. Ironically, in the very moment we do not feel like doing anything, the best way to beat this feeling is with a quick burst of exercise, even if we don't want to do it. Something that is more fun than jogging, walking, etc. might be in order - like dancing (even if like a fool like me), etc. I think that playing a game on the Wii, or something that gets you moving might be a better option.

It's not going to hurt to try, and it won't make you feel any worse. Seems counter-intuitive, but it does work usually!


22-10-15, 21:28
I absolutely get very depressed after a panic attack. For me, when I've been doing better for a little while and then have an attack, it feels like a huge setback. I end up very tearful with thoughts that I will NEVER get better. I eventually pull myself out of it, though. I'm beginning to realize that the sooner I have a little cry and accept the setback, the sooner I feel better and ready to try again.

It's great that you went out with your family and didn't let the stupid fear to get you down. Good job!

23-10-15, 09:07
Tbh I think I suffering from a burnout from stress and anxiety. As I said, a lot has happened lately and I've always been a highly string person to begin with. I woke up today to my third heavy 'period' from the pill in less than a month and that has utterly floored me again. Usually having a period would kind of make me feel better as it would give me something to blame my mental and physical symptoms on but now its just draining me more. I managed to sleep well last night after taking hours to finally drift and managed to dream. I usually see that as a sign I am getting better as when I have been at my utter worst with stress, I don't dream, or at least I don't remember it. It feels like I just went to sleep and woke up and feel no restfulness from it.

Yesterday I went to Glasgow with my mum and bf for the first time in years. As some of you may know as I've been on this forum for a while, going back to Glasgow was my biggest and ultimate goal as I had been terrified to go there for years due to panics and it left me heartbroken as I was always in Glasgow, it was my second home. Yesterday I managed it to Silverburn (shopping centre) and stayed for an hour. When I went in July, I only managed to the car park and then drove back home in fear. I should be proud that I done it despite the anxiety but I'm not but I am putting that down to the effects of this burnout. I probably over did it yesterday and the day before and even though I was successful, its probably made the burnout worse. I should be taking it slow i suppose and not reaching for the stars.

My appetite is slowly coming back too but I'm not eating big meals, just little things like snacks because I cba cooking. I have this horrible butterfly in stomach feeling a lot which is what I used to feel before going into an exam or something like that, its horrible but I know it'll just be anxiety and tension.

I keep going through moments were I feel like I need to see a doctor or therapist asap and keep googling local therapists in my area but then something stops me and reminds me I can do it but I hate that feeling of utter helplessness.

I've been here before, probably even worse but its so hard to remind myself that I am just drained but I will get back to normal

25-10-15, 11:07
Today I managed to wake up cheerful and only had tiny waves of that sinking depressive feeling which I am taking as a good thing. Step in the right direction I hope! I've wrote down a list of things to remember when I do get that depressive feeling again such as "remember it always passes" and things like that and I'll keep it with me at all times until this phase lifts.