View Full Version : having a down day

21-10-15, 17:04
does anyone ever get those days where they just feel completely and utterly c**p? I haven't been sleeping well recently so I'm sure that hasn't helped but I just feel unbelievably low today, knowing my partner is not well and worrying about him and just generally feeling down in the dumps.

I feel like my life is completely controlled by HA, like I often wonder how do people live without the constant fear of getting ill or losing a loved one? Whenever something goes well in my life, I'm instantly brought back down to reality by fearing that one of my loved ones or myself could get terminally ill anytime soon, and I just can't enjoy or look forward to anything in life because of this.

Wondered if anyway else goes through this or can understand how I'm feeling.
Hoping for a better day tomorrow! :blush:

21-10-15, 17:06
100 per cent I understand I'm sick of living day in day out convinced something bad is going to happen I no longer make plans because I know the chances are il be too panicky to go xxx

21-10-15, 17:40
100 per cent I understand I'm sick of living day in day out convinced something bad is going to happen I no longer make plans because I know the chances are il be too panicky to go xxx

sorry to hear that you're feeling the same hun it's awful isn't it, im only young and I feel like I'm wasting years of my life by just not being able to be happy. the worst I find is watching other people doing so well in life and wondering why you can't be like that too xx

21-10-15, 17:50
that's exactly how I feel I'm 25 have 2 young children I look around me and see people looking so carefree and I'm so jealous its like what did I do so wrong to deserve this :(