View Full Version : I hate this prison

21-10-15, 21:47
I hate constantly checking in on my body, at least every minute, and my absurd reaction to a niggle of some sort and then my mind goes into overtime... I hate the fact that only I can change and I can't seem to get on top of it!!! Been suffering for years with it but as time gone on it has gradually got worst... I know they say not to go on sites like this as you are just feeding the anxiety but it actually comforts me that I am not the only one and makes me stronger...I was given sertraline last week and I guess it is still on the shelf in the chemist!! I agree with you, I have health anxiety and got a health scare , I was diagnosed with Addison's disease which scares the life out of me and hate having to wear a medic alert bracelet.. I too went to the neurologist where he did the pull push thing, I couldn't believe I was given the all clear on result s of such easy exercises, he prescribed me citalopram which actually wasn't too bad, the only downside was no sex drive so I came off them... Having read most of these posts on sertraline I don't think I will bother taking them but then having said that can't stand that anxiety runs my life and feels like I have been given my own life sentence in my anxiety prison, I have forgotten what it feels like to just be able to go away for a few days without a second thought or go in a public toilet without scanning it to see what locks are used is there a window blah blah... So much energy wasted on anxiety, so much of my life wasted ... It's evening now my worst time... I am glad to see many people getting better!!! And as for CBT not really great when its generalised anxiety... to everyone xx hang in there we can beat this,,,,

21-10-15, 22:46
You said it yourself, we can all beat this. My advice would be to try different medications, calming techniques and therapies until one sticks. The thought of being on medication isn't the best, obviously we would prefer to beat this ourselves, but your quality of life can and will be improved.

21-10-15, 23:04
I agree, I think CBT needs to be longer for GAD as there can be triggers other than waking up so it's a less targeted form of treatment.

How does the Addisons affect your anxiety? Do the meds help with the adrenaline issues?

22-10-15, 22:08
Hi Terry it affects my anxiety, extra things to worry about, vomiting and any type of infection are not good for me, also any type of shock as my body can't produce the cortisol to deal with it, so now when I feel sick I panic I'm going to vomit or if I get a virus I panic it doesn't develop into something more blah blah.. Also before I was diagnosed I new something was wrong yet my gp didn't believe and I kept getting hypoglycaemia whilst out, which I was struggling with being out with my anxiety as it was so it just put emphasis on that.. I went to the endocrine dept at hospital where they diagnosed me... I have to take steroids 3x a day and I panic that I loose my tablets when out... Even though I don't produce as much adrenaline we have non adrenaline which has the same affect as adrenaline as I couldn't understand if I'm not producing as adrenaline why still all the anxiety symptoms and panic attacks... I did ask my endocrinologist if I had exhausted my adrenals through years of anxiety but he doesn't believe that... The funny thing is he said I don't fall into a stereo typical of someone with Addison's and he now can't say whether I have it, other than my adrenals aren't working as well.. So I'm not convinced whether the years of anxiety has had a part to play in it:unsure:

23-10-15, 04:55
That sounds tough.

I know what you mean about ensuring you have your meds with you or you panic. I have asthma and I've been through loads of worry and checking when it comes to carrying my inhaler with me. I would carry two a lot as well "just in case" one didn't work or I broke it or something similiar that prevented using it. I've never needed it!

If they are giving you meds to make you create more adrenaline or a synthetic adrenaline, then I could see that still impacting on your anxiety like any would but I guess it's confusing if they give you enough because you wouldn't expect your body to be creating more to make the anxiety stay. Strange. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it for you.