View Full Version : Fell and banged head - scared to go to sleep- subdural haematoma

22-10-15, 00:48
I fell off a stair or two earlier and somehow then banged my head on wall, internal wall plasterboard, nose on radiator and smashed my knees on the ground. Didn't black out or have a headache. Bit of a lump appeared. I'm scared to go to bed now in case I die, my husband says I am being stupid and went to bed long ago, so I am here waiting....not sure what to do. Knees are really bruised. It was the side of my head that hit the wall, made a loud noise....
Scared and don't know what to do

22-10-15, 03:01
Hiya, the exact same thing happened to me a few years ago, apart from I felt as if I was on drugs after falling from very up high and hitting my head on concrete. A massive lump appeared. I went to the ER and was convinced that I had bleeding on the brain or something, but it was just a concussion. I then realised that the skull is unbelievably strong, unless you feel dizzy or sick ect, then it's probably nothing but a bump on the head! Don't be scared... you'll be fine i'm sure!

Hope I could help :-)

22-10-15, 04:50
Yes, unless you were unconscious or display signs of concussion, they will just watch you.

When paramedics go into schools to talk to the staff, this is what they tel them otherwise teachers would be ferrying kids up to A&E constantly as we were always falling over and banging our heads.

22-10-15, 10:25
Thanks. I went to bed early hours and woke up this morning feeling very bashed and bruised. My nose has swollen, shoulder hurts, knees both purple but I am still worrying about my head. Have a bit of earache and just keep thinking it's bleeding slowly into my brain..... I hate Dr Google. I am not feeling good.

22-10-15, 10:41
My mum had a fall a few weeks back. She tripped over something, banged her head on the pantry door and her knee and shoulder on the cooker & floor. She was a bit bruised and she couldn't get up because of it but she is in her mid seventies.

Several weeks on and she is still fine, all healed now. So, you will be too.