View Full Version : Inflammatory Breast Cancer fear

22-10-15, 08:08

I have been struggling with health anxiety for about a year now, mainly centered around breast cancer. I have quite lumpy breasts and have had them examined a couple of times and now feel like I know what they should feel like.

My HA now has moved onto IBC and any little red mark triggers it off. I had a bright red mark on Tuesday evening when I took my bra off, which looked like a spot. I freaked out but tried to talk myself down but am now really having to hold off going back to the doctors again. The initial swelling from the spot has gone down but still left a bright red mark which is neither growing nor getting bigger.

Anyone else had the same?


22-10-15, 08:17
Hey there I can totally relate I am 20 year old and also suffer from health anxitey mostly to do with breast cancer anything to do near my breasts or nipples terrifies me. I have also had red marks on my breasts but there just marks from your bra and they go away in a couple days just put some cream or lotion on it and the marks will go away it will just be from your bra try not to worry

22-10-15, 08:18
I haven't had the same, but if I have something new, I write it down and do a deal with myself to leave it a week, if it's no better or worse after a week, I go to doctors, usually by that time, I've forgotten the original issue and moved on to something else. I've also got a notebook full of symptoms / self diagnosis which have turned out to be nothing.

22-10-15, 08:19
I too have lumpy breasts and have had several hospital visits/biopsy's etc. but all was ok. My doctor said people with lumpy breasts are no more likely to go ahead and get cancer than those with 'normal' ones. That helped me a lot. I don't think red marks are any indication of something wrong. Even lumps that move around are usually safe. Its just fixed uneven lumps you need to get checked. I only let myself look or check my breasts once a month, then leave well alone.
If my anxiety is playing up I always start worrying about breast cancer, I would rather have no breasts at all! I do know now not to focus on it too much it just makes it worse.

22-10-15, 08:27
I too have lumpy breasts and have had several hospital visits/biopsy's etc. but all was ok. My doctor said people with lumpy breasts are no more likely to go ahead and get cancer than those with 'normal' ones. That helped me a lot. I don't think red marks are any indication of something wrong. Even lumps that move around are usually safe. Its just fixed uneven lumps you need to get checked. I only let myself look or check my breasts once a month, then leave well alone.
If my anxiety is playing up I always start worrying about breast cancer, I would rather have no breasts at all! I do know now not to focus on it too much it just makes it worse.

It's funny u say that "I'd rather have no breats at all" as that's how I feel most of the time like people my age usual always like showing off there cleavage in low cut tops and dresses and push-up bras . But I feel like my breasts terrify me and I always wear tops/ dress that covers them completely. And will never let my BF near them at all X

22-10-15, 09:27
Hi all thanks for your replies, its reassuring to hear from people that feel the same way. I'm pretty sure this mark has just come from my bra rubbing and causing a spot which is why I'm trying to keep myself calm. That's a good idea about writing things down as then you have a reference to go back to to help with the reassurance, I may do that. I have in the past been to the doctors with a spot on my breast and then felt ridiculous when I have come out and she has said 'it is just a spot'. I try not to check mine every day now but find when I get anxious about other things my HA plays up and I find it hard to talk myself down.

22-10-15, 12:25
Yeah that's what it will be your bra especially the underwire ones there a nightmare I used to always sleep with my bras on and would wake up in pain with the bra digging in to me . So I wouldn't even give it worry I mean I think spots in between the middle of my boobs quite often but it can just be related to your cycle and u get acne on your breats too. Unless it stays for longer than 3 weeks u didn't need to pay attention or get it checked out X

22-10-15, 22:00
I get those red marks from my bra all the time, so please don't worry.

As far as I'm aware IBC presents as redness, swelling and pain in a large area not just a spot.

I've squeezed a spot on my boob tonight and now have an ugly blood blister thing. I think breast tissue is just more sensitive

23-10-15, 07:46
Thanks. It has gone down a bit but just looks like a collection of blood vessels now about the size of a pencil head. Think have just damaged the skin a bit. Hopefully will be gone in a couple of days.