View Full Version : Puppy worries - thanks everyone

22-10-15, 08:30
Hi just updating re my anxiety last year about getting a puppy. For those that remember I was freaking big time as soon as I put that deposit down. I was a wreck and nearly 'cancelled' on several occasions.
Well I did it and its been hard work but I managed and have a lovely dog. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined and I feel stronger for it. I have put her in my profile picture - this is her at around 5 months, she weighs 33kg now so is huge!
Thanks for your support

22-10-15, 08:49
Wow! I literally just came onto here to say I have just gotten rats and I'm seriously wanting to give them back, not because anything has gone wrong (they ARE a little mischievous) but because I am just a bag of nerves ('I'm not giving them enough attention/I'm hurting them when I hold them/that one nipped at me he is getting ready to bite/they are going to become hormonal and I will have to spend a fortune on them').

So to see your post makes me feel a little better already, was your issue similar (like stress at what could happen and trying to raise the puppy 'right')?

Glad you are feeling better anyway :)

#Edit# Ok, read your earlier threads, perhaps not identical situations but still taking comfort :)

22-10-15, 09:03
Well done for going ahead with it. It can be difficult but it gets so much better and you have a loving new member of the family to show for it. She will give you loads of love when things are rough. She's lovely!

I was the same when we had a puppy. I was going through a very difficult time then and it was hard at first but I wouldn't be without him. Having him lying across my chest snoring his head of as a pup was well worth it.

22-10-15, 09:50
Hi Spikie, I can totally understand your worries. Anyone with anxiety can be pushed over the edge by extra responsibility.
With me it was 'how am I going to cope' (I know puppies are very hard work), also, what if I don't like her (well I don't sometimes when she has done something stupid, but that's ok!). Also the responsibility and effort if I'm having a bad day.
I had the same once when I had some guinea pigs but it was fine once I got use to them.
At least with rats you can leave them at home and don't have to take them for a walk!

22-10-15, 10:08
Hi Spikie, I can totally understand your worries. Anyone with anxiety can be pushed over the edge by extra responsibility.
With me it was 'how am I going to cope' (I know puppies are very hard work), also, what if I don't like her (well I don't sometimes when she has done something stupid, but that's ok!). Also the responsibility and effort if I'm having a bad day.
I had the same once when I had some guinea pigs but it was fine once I got use to them.
At least with rats you can leave them at home and don't have to take them for a walk!

Haha would you believe the walkies thing is my main issue? I read they needed to be given 'floor time' but since getting them the amount of time I am now told they need has rocketed (I was fine with half an hour every other day, with them in a huge cage inbetween, but I'm now told it should be at least an hour every day, which means catching them every day (stress!) and having to find an hour every day to have them out).

I know it is new pet stress, I just see them at the bars and thing 'oh God, they are climbing because I haven't given them enough time out of the cage/they want to escape' rather than 'they are happy to see me and perfectly happy in their cage filled with ropes and climbing walls).

I'm bargaining with myself as we speak, I need to stick this out and, worst case scenario, they go live with a better family next year.

22-10-15, 10:39
Wow I am a vet nurse and I think half an hour a day would be loads! I'm sure most rats would be very pleased with that, I bet hardly any even get to come out of their cage. As long as they have lots of climbing stuff in the cage they should be fine even if they don't come out for a day.

22-10-15, 11:49
Spikie, you are the perfect rat owner and you will thoroughly enjoy having your lively new additions to look after! What a load of nonsense about the "floor time"-providing they have a spacious cage and plenty of toys-and each other- they will be fine! Of course having some handling time with you will be a bonus but you don't need to time yourself with them or worry that you are somehow lacking as a pet owner! I love rats and all rodents- I currently have a gerbil in a huge tank (last surviving) and 3 guinea pigs (males)

Nursegreenwhippet- I'm so pleased that all has turned out so well for you and your beautiful dog. Responsibility is a huge thing and we need to be the perfect owners,don't we?:D I envy you your job and expertise as a vet nurse!

22-10-15, 13:30
Ahh thanks pulisa, I do love my job, what could be more wonderful than having your lunch with a furry animal at work - I'm sure my job has saved me from the worst of anxiety and depression! Of course animals do come with owners and although most are lovely - they can be a challenge!!
I totally get what spikie is on about though, when you are really anxious - especially when its hard to even look after yourself, extra burdens can be worrying. However even when you are struggling I have found that looking after something else can make you feel stronger.

22-10-15, 14:01
Thanks both :)

This is why the internet is a great and terrifying place in equal measures, you can be looking at something and be thinking 'oh year, fresh food, lots of petting when you hold them, this is all gre-WHAT? I DON'T DO THE NEXT ONE I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON!!!'.

I feel cruel thinking it, but I do think sometimes I need to pit myself before my animals (within reason!) and if they don't get held for a day or two then I'll make it up to them.

I have snakes, gerbils, guinea pigs and rats, and only the rats are stressing me, so I think 'new pets' is the issue :)

I'm feeling better now anyway, thank you both again for your kind words.