View Full Version : Heavy arm upon waking

22-10-15, 09:28
I am 12 weeks pregnant, and recently at about 3am I have been waking up with a jolt. My arm felt funny and so my first instinct was to lift it, well I lifted it above my head and it was so 'heavy' it fell back down again... This happened once and then not again. All day that day my arm felt weird and not quite right. It happened again this morning and I'm totally freaking out its a brain issue. It doesn't happen during the day but my arm actually aches at the top and is sore this morning, and also feels strange again. I'm so scared right now. I have asked people what they thought and most said I've layed on it funny but it doesn't tingle or hurt its just heavy like a lump of lead. I just feel so scared right now and can't do anything else

22-10-15, 10:37
It's funny because the EXACT same thing happened to me last night at almost the same time. I woke up at 3:30am and I didn't have a typical dead arm like when you've been lying on it, but it was more my shoulder joint wasn't working. I couldn't lift my arm above my head. I used my other hand to help do it, but my right arm just fell back down at the shoulder joint. It wasn't numb or tingling or anything like that. Anyway after a few minutes it returned back to normal. I must have just been resting on it at a strange angle but I kind of lay awake for about half an hour afterwards making sure that everything was back to normal lol.

22-10-15, 10:53
Really? Did it make you anxious?
And did your arm feel strange afterwards? I'm just a bag of nerves because of it happening and twice in a row

22-10-15, 19:56
It made me very anxious for that 30 minutes that I lay awake. In fact when it first happened I jumped out of bed in a serious panic. My arm did feel strange afterwards but I eventually forced myself back to sleep.

This was a slightly different thing to what I normally experience, but MANY times I will wake up with a dead arm due to lying on it. Once it happened about 5 nights in a row lol.

23-10-15, 08:42
This is happening to my arm for about the 3rd night in a row. This morning it was the same. But it's only that one arm that does it... I'm starting to get really scared... My arm had lines on it when I woke this morning so maybe I was laying on it at some point. I just don't get why it's suddenly happening, never really had it before. I rang a nurse yesterday and she said she wasn't concerned. But it's happening every morning :weep::weep:

23-10-15, 10:12
The fact you had lines on it means you're just lying on it when you're asleep, 100%. You obviously favour that side to lie on when you're asleep, but seriously, that's all it is. Like I said, I had it happen about 5 nights in a row once lol.

23-10-15, 14:39
Do you think so? It feels weird all day. Keep self testing it by holding it in the air!

23-10-15, 14:54
Do you think so? It feels weird all day. Keep self testing it by holding it in the air!

Good thing you're not in school! :) You're lying on it funny. That's all there is to it.

Positive thoughts

23-10-15, 17:15
Haha this is very true... I hope so fishmanpa hate obsessing over these things!

---------- Post added at 17:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:58 ----------

Just don't understand why it's happening now, and it hasn't before. I'm pregnant so I have more blood in my arm but that's it

23-10-15, 22:44
KayeS and FMP are right. I've woken up many a time with lines down my arm or leg mainly when I've been wearing clothes.

You need to get the blood pumping again. Do some stretches for the arm & shoulder, warm the area up like pre workout, etc. This will stimulate more blood flow.