View Full Version : Need some advice today, please!

22-10-15, 12:59
Good morning,

So this past week I have been doing much better with my health anxiety...been keeping very busy, which has definitely helped and finally able to start my counseling sessions next week, I hope...been waiting forever. Anyway, my biggest and most irrational HA fear is a blood clot. I have no idea why...no history of them, none in my family. My only risk factors are birth control and I have some varicose veins. Anyway, a couple weeks ago in a panicked state, I went to urgent care and they did a d-dimer, which came back negative. However now I woke up with a big bruise on my calf, which has me freaked out again. Rationally I keep trying to tell myself it's nothing, but I can't seem to stop thinking about it? Any advice? Things like this just tend to consume me and it ruins my day until it eventually and hopefully goes away.

Thanks everyone

22-10-15, 13:01
im suffering the same fear at the moment and my d dimer was positive twice!
but ct and leg dopplers ruled out clot
from what iv been told they dont really appear like bruises normally swelling heat and redness maybe you have banged it?
i know how you feel im still consumed with fear over it

22-10-15, 14:07
What birth control do you use hun? I'm on mini pill (cerazette), it's only one hormone so doesn't increase risk of clots.
On the bruise front, I'm always rushing and bashing myself, forget about it immediately after xxx

22-10-15, 14:41
I am on Ortho tricyclen lo... Not a big dose of hormones and won't be on it too much longer, probably. I am sure I just did something and didn't realize it, but it's always just been such a fear of mine. Who knows why! I normally don't get bruised on my calf, so of course I got all concerned! I would imagine it would have shown in my d-dimer last week if it was anything?

24-10-15, 16:38
Hey guys- still have this bruise...hasn't changed in color or size, but still dark. No pain, but just concerning because it's on the calf. Anything to be worried about or am I just being "me"? :/