View Full Version : Eye problems: Need Reassurance

22-10-15, 13:41

I have frequented this forum many times. For those of you who don't know, my name is Dylan. I am a sufferer of Panic Disorder, OCD, HA, and.

In the past 6 mos, my ventures with HA have been at an all time high. Let's just say I have diagnosed myself with over 30 illnesses, including brain tumors, MS, ALS, Stroke, Heart Attack, Heart disease etc.

My symptoms come and go, and can include: weakness, malaise, racing heart, hot flashes, numbness, tingling of the limbs, severe panic, pain in arm, and blurry vision.

Of course, I have been to three eye docs, had at least 4 blood work ups, a ct of my head and of my brain, 2 ekgs, numerous blood pressure tests, diabetes test, thyroid test, etc. Everything has come back clean and Gps are attributed it to stress.


Lately, well by lately I mean yesterday, I noticed that one of my eyes looks different from the other-- it is almost droopy like and strange looking. So of course, I got on the terrilble google machine, and it said it could be a brain tumor, MG, MS, Stroke, etc. I am freaking out.

Can a droopy lid be caused by stress and anxiety? I mean I did notice it in a picture in september, but since then this is the only other time I've noticed it. It like comes and goes I guess. Let me preface by saying I've had extreme anxiety since the beginning of summer and had to take time off of Uni completely.

What is happening? Can anyone relate?

22-10-15, 13:59
When you say droopy - is it drooping so much it is affecting your vision or someone else has commented on it its so obvious?? If so then thats a reason to take it seriously but otherwise its probably due to tired muscles when you are super anxious.
I get severe eyelid twitching when I am tired and anxious to the point where my eyelid almost closes, I have had this occasionally for over 30 years plus severe twitching in other parts of my body. Its nothings - its harmless and now due to any neuro disease. Its my body reacting to me being tired and stressed/anxious.

22-10-15, 14:48
It's not really affecting my vision and I don't feel the droopiness. I've asked my sister and she said she didn't notice anything, and then I asked my friend. She said she could only notice it when my glasses were off and if I pointed it out to her. It took her a minute to notice it at all.

So do you think all these symptoms could be related to my severe stress, and anxiety? I had a bad reaction to zoloft in March and ever since I've just been all sorts of out of whack. And I've had every test imaginable. The only thing I haven't had done is an MRI.

Thanks for replying and hope to hear back,
