View Full Version : Well I feel stupid! (Lymph node fear)

22-10-15, 15:18
For some reason last night (have been worrying about melanoma due to some moles I've discovered) I decided to check my lymph nodes in my neck and found a large, hard lump.

I totally freaked out, cried, and kept prodding and poking it. It was an unmovable hard lump. I asked my partner to feel and he did a few times and said he couldn't feel anything an I was imagining it (he's having a hard time now my anxiety has come back)

I went to the GP in years this morning and she felt my whole neck and said it's....just one of the muscles in my neck no swolen nodes at all!

Obviously I'm pleased but I do feel really daft now. Also, because I spent hours poking and prodding my neck is really painful now 😔 that's normal right?

22-10-15, 15:26
Don't feel daft. The irrational part of your brain takes over in situations like that. Breathe a sigh of relief all is OK. O and yes if you've been prodding and poking your neck it's bound to be tender and probably for a few days too ( I know because its one of my mums health anxiety issues. Hot bath and lavender to soothe

22-10-15, 15:28
Also, because I spent hours poking and prodding my neck is really painful now 😔 that's normal right?

You know the answer to that! :)

Positive thoughts

22-10-15, 17:10
Thanks guys I'm tempted to try some ibuprofen gel on it but my irrational brain is back and I'm worried I mite have a reaction (never have before!)

It's definitely time to get a grip...if only it was that easy for us.
At least the GP was nice to me though

22-10-15, 17:48
I've done the exact same before, I found a lump in my neck and panicked and couldn't stop prodding it and comparing it to the other side, that then caused it to swell up and really hurt which exaggerated my fears!! i've now had it 2 years and nothing has happened so i'm assumed its just a lymph node!(my dentist has felt it numerous times during check ups) you did the right thing by going to get it checked, its the best thing to do when you have anxiety as leaving it will make you feel more and more anxious which is not good for us! so glad your doctor gave you a positive result, hopefully the pain will go down in a few days xx

23-10-15, 23:40
You are definitely not daft. I understand that where that irrational mind can lead you. Glad that you are fine!