View Full Version : My friends don't understand

22-10-15, 15:58
I have been having a bad flare up recently, and have started taking medication.

I was with some friends last night and was telling them about how hard i've been finding things, one of my friends turned around and said, 'oh but everyone gets anxious…i bite my hands all the time when i'm stressed and i also do a nervous drumming on the table. Its normal.' I tried again to explain, that yes what she has just described is normal, but obsessively checking your skin for signs of cancer, lying in bed at night unable to sleep, being unable to concentrate or have a conversation with people because you are constantly thinking about skin cancer…getting ready for a night out, finding a new mole and spending the rest of the night feeling sick, sweaty and panicky…isn't normal! Another friend chimed in saying that i should just 'not worry' about it. *SIGH*

My boyfriend is very supportive but whenever we talk about it he admits he doesn't really understand what my problem is, i sometimes think i see him almost get irritated when i ask him to check my skin or look at a mole, even though he does it, he always dismisses it really quickly.

My dad tells me to stop being stupid, or calls me a hypercondriac.

Its so crap that unless you have it, you can't explain it to people. How do you guys get your family/friends to understand that its not as simple as just not thinking about it, and no its not the same as that time you were super nervous before a presentation and felt sick.

22-10-15, 16:11
Most people are frightened of something, try that line, if someone is scared of spiders, compare it to your fear, imagine they had to live with a spider crawling over them all day, everyday.
Health anxiety is a fear, it's a feeling of dread and a strong belief that we are very ill, or going to die.
It's very difficult for people to understand anxiety unless they have suffered with it, I don't understand aerodynamics cause I've no experience in that area.
It may be difficult for your friends too, they probably want to support you, but don't know how.