View Full Version : Now onto worrying about breast pain

23-10-15, 08:47
For those who have read my past posts I'm now terrified as I'm having pain in my breast that's causing me problems. When I hold my daughter I get a sharp pain through it or even if she leans on it. I'm so scared as I'm waiting on a breast clinic appointment and it's been 5 weeks. That should reassure me as my gp isn't worried but I'm not at all. I had an ultrasound in December which was clear and the consultant said I jst have normal lumpy breasts. I also have one breast considerably larger than the other and this is the one that's causing the problems.I'm so scared I have breast cancer

23-10-15, 09:38
Hi hun, I also have one larger then the other, I breastfed my son and I think it's because I used to forget to swap breasts and he was always more comfortable on my left side? Did you breastfeed? Xxx

23-10-15, 09:44
Hi hun, I've had breast pain on and off for a long time, I've had 2 breast clinic appointments where I was scanned and ultrasound and was told everything was fine, she actually told me that it's very rare for breast cancer to cause pain. it is usually a result of monthly hormones, contraceptive pill, muscle pain or tenderness and I would imagine childbirth/breastfeeding could cause it as well.

try not to worry, if you've already had them looked at and your gp isn't worried then its most likely that everything is just fine, they really do know their stuff when it comes to breast checking so try to rest assured! good luck for your appointment xx

23-10-15, 20:26
I'm just so scared incase it is. My gp said ihad an ultrasound under a year ago which is a good thing but I keep thinking they could have missed it it's a very agressive one that's fast growing. And no I didn't breast feed

23-10-15, 21:49
I'm in this boat, too.. sort of. i have what the doc says is a prominent rib in my right breast. she said she felt no lumps but this rib. sending me for a breast ultrasound so now im scared to death its cancer. my chiro felt it today and said its prominent rib because im thin. i cant help but be in panic.

27-10-15, 11:38
I'm so scared just received a letter from the hospital to call and confirm I will be available in the next few weeks or I may lose a slot. I'm back to worrying sick as my daughter keeps leaning on me and it's sore like a stabbing

27-10-15, 12:03
We all get the breast fear from time to time. It's one of the worst isn't it! Can you take ibuprofen for the soreness?
You won't know until you know, so try to hold yourself together. Your GP isn't worried.
What will be, will be. Big hug!

27-10-15, 19:22
I'm just so worried as it's sore today more than its been again but not sure if it's because I'm thinking about it. I'm scared about leaving my.daughter without a mum

27-10-15, 22:59
You've jumped about 12 steps ahead there! Have a glass of wine and try to distract yourself.

28-10-15, 20:34
I'm just so convinced I have cancer. When I press this area the pain I get is unreal