View Full Version : Irrational worries about being pregnant?

23-10-15, 11:56

I am 20 years old and suffer from pretty bad anxiety. I've been to the docs and have been on citalopram for over 6 months. Most of the time it works fine and I can get on with life like normal.

But almost every time my boyfriend and I are intimate (whether it's sex or not) I always end up worrying like crazy that I'm pregnant. I'm on BC and we use condoms...so pretty much as safe as you can get. But I still worry.
It's been at least 10 weeks since we last had sex and I can't stop worrying about the idea that I could be pregnant even though I'm obviously not. Nothing went wrong with the condom, I've had three bleeds since and I've even recently taken two tests which have both come back negative. But I still can't seem to convince myself I'm not pregnant.

I am right aren't I? There's nothing to worry about here?
What I don't understand is why I keep worrying about it. We're both still young and in a great relationship but this is getting in the way. I hate it so much and want to understand what's going on. And how to fix it.

Can anyone help? Please?
Thank you.

23-10-15, 12:40
You've answered your own questions :)

Positive thoughts

23-10-15, 12:50
There's nothing to worry about.. Just relax and enjoy your relationship :)

Malcolm Lewis
27-10-15, 16:26
Hi Lauren,

Simple solution....Do a pregnancy test ( you can get them at Boots and they are VERY accurate )

As A fella this was a worry of mine...I did not want, and neither did my partner, an unwanted pregancy. Its natural to worry, but I don't think you have a problem.

You are bing responsible, practicing safe sex, but if you want to chat about issues go to the local family planning clinic ( you don't have to be pregnant of course !!...See on line or at your Drs ) they are experts, will only be too willing to help you, its confidential and you can take your partner !!
