View Full Version : I am worrying to much now.

23-10-15, 20:39

I am worrying a lot again lately, I googled about Lymphoma and found a list of symptoms and they match a lot of my problems.

> Itchy Skin
> Abdominal Pain
> swollen Lymph Nodes

They all are signs of my biggest fear. I'm 22 now and all I do is worry I feel as if there is something wrong with me I can't shake the fear anymore. I have been to Doctors and asked them about it but I feel as if they don't take me seriously, I mean they listen but it's been over a month now since the itching started and its still here. I am in the middle of the process to get CBT but how long can I go on like this I feel tired, scared and alone. I was a strong person until 6 months ago nothing like this got to me and then all of a sudden one scare and now I spend my days worrying. I just want some friendly advice now I have gotten to a point I can't feel normal anymore.

How do you cope? Why can't I move past this anymore?


23-10-15, 23:14
Hi, try to think about the most likely explanation for your symptoms. That work for me! About your itchy skin, could it be the weather change? Recently, my skin is also itchy, but not the whole body, just some places.

About the abdominal pain, I guess it is because of the anxiety you are having right now. Trust me, your mind can cause such symptom.

I also have swollen lymph nodes in my left jaw. The ultrasound said they were suspicious, which scared me. I've done the CT and wait for the result. Therefore, I can totally relate. I am also feeling anxious and scared as you do right now. I guess the fact that doctors are not very concerned is a good sign.

24-10-15, 08:58
Hello, thanks for replying.

When I say whole body I think thats just me exaggerating, its mainly my legs and back. I thought weather change mixed with stress at first. Last night I kept waking up needing to scratch I don't think I have ever had to do that since I started itching which in my mind kind of makes me thing its Anxiety/Stress and weather as it was hot and I was really worrying about the itching last night making it worse.

I agree with what you say about the abdominal pain, it is more than likely due to my Anxiety and IBS which my Anxiety always makes worse.

My Lymph Nodes I have been told are nothing worrying by a Doctor and Nurse as I have had a cold for the last couple of weeks but I just can't let that go in my mind, probably due to the itching and the pain.

I am also sorry to hear about your trouble with your Lymph Nodes and I hope that all turns out well.
