View Full Version : My Journey with Health Anxiety

23-10-15, 23:17
The past 3 months have been maybe the worst in my life so far for my anxiety levels. All this constant tingling, twitch, heart palpitations... it's enough to drive anyone crazy and I think I'm about at that point right now.

It all started back in August, I had woke up and had a pretty bad headache and it persisted for a few weeks which was odd for me, never had any that lasted that long. So after awhile I did the big No No.. I looked up on google about it... Brain tumor... needless to say that scared me then the muscle twitching set it and i looked into it even more.... ALS... MS... etc... all these things were dieases i found and it just floored me.

Here I was acting like a total basketcase and always checking my balance and strength in my arms, legs, and hand. Finally the headaches stopped and the dizziness/foggy headedness set in. It really wasnt what you would think of dizziness, I never once lost my balance or felt like the world of was spinning around, but i knew I didnt feel normal.

I finally had enough and went to the Doctor and he did the typical neurolog exam on me and found nothing wrong, next he took my blood pressure and it was 142/100 which was the highest ive ever had and the doctor was concerned about my Blood PRessure and prescribed me Metoprolol to bring it down along with my pulse which is usually high. Also, he gave me an EKG which came out completely normal.

As of 2 days ago the dizziness in my head has basicly left and i dont really feel it anymore, but a weird and scary new symptom has come around. It happens everytime I go to take a nap or goto sleep for the night.

As I start to feel myself drift off, I shake, it feels like my whole body does it and that freaks me out like you wouldnt believe. Now it's not like one of those time were your legs jerks or jolt. No, this is different, my whole body trembles almost like how you shake when you're cold. That's the best way I can describe it.

I told my doctor about it and he didn't seem too concerned about it and led me to believe it was most likely caused by the major anxiety I've been having or it might be due to the fact that I'm pre-diabetic and might be caused by hypoglycemia.

I would like to point out, I'm 32yos and I'm a pretty big sized guy which doesn't help my health at all. I'm actually in the process of getting bariatric surgery hopefully before the end of the year.... hopefully. As a result of being big I have Metabolic Syndrome and Pre-Diabetes. My Insulin levels are way high but oddly enough my blood sugar is stable.. for now at least. I take metformin everyday but admittingly I've been slacking off on it for a couple of months.

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. Not sure what these shakes are but I do know they terrify me and going to sleep isnt a nice thought like it use to be for me. I go back to the doctor next week so I'll bring it up again and see what to do next.

I just hope its nothing serious or terrible.

Thanks for reading if you managed to make it down this far! :-)

23-10-15, 23:34
Hi, since I don't have the same symptoms as yours, I don't have the similar experience to reassure you. However, I can totally relate and understand your fear. Just want to say do trust the doctor. They are professional and know what they are doing. There are many resources out there to help your anxiety. Anxiety do cause many scary symptoms. But those symptoms do not mean you are seriously ill, but just you are very very anxious. Hope my words could make you feel better

23-10-15, 23:44
Thanks for reading and replying. That really means a lot to me! :-)

24-10-15, 04:57
Hi Sorastar,
I have had a lot of the same symptoms you describe. I used to have dizziness so bad I used to be out walking my dog I thought I was going to tip over. However over the last few years I have done everything to educate myself on health. Of course it started out with cutting out gluten. I know a lot of people think this is a fad but it really is an issue. But since then I changed my entire diet and I have way less anxiety and the dizziness has completely gone. I was also insulin resistant. I really believe people who have insulin resistance have high anxiety. I had gone to my doctor so many times she was fed up with me so that was when I took charge and started doing sooo much research. Please check out this site. This woman is a nutritionist and she talks about all of the things you complain of and really it is so common now given our food supply. Especially if you are eating a lot of processed foods. She has changed my life. Her name is Christa Orecchio http://thewholejourney.com/

I am telling you a couple of years ago I was racked with anxiety all of the time. I believe you need to take charge of your own health by educating yourself on how to use food as your medicine. My doctor was absolutely no help and for a long time I really did feel crazy. I still have some health anxiety but it is one tenth of what it used to be.