View Full Version : Was this a panic attack ?

24-10-15, 17:35
I was very tired yesterday, yawning all the time. I was playing a video game on a armchair and all of a sudden I felt weird, everytime I looked down I became spaced out, then all of a sudden I felt like I was faint. I got up and felt awful, I rushed to the door and thought I would faint, my legs were rubbery and horrible, everything just felt spaced out. When I was outside I felt my heart almost coming out of my chest, it was SO fast beating. I kept breathing strongly to try and be calm. I felt prickly feelings in my fingers and the bottom of my feet. When I got my breathing back my heart slowed down and I felt more stable. This lasted about 3 to 4 minutes.

I was on my own so I have no idea why I had a panic attack, if that is what it was. Does it sound like one ?

24-10-15, 19:57
Yes, it does JonnyUK. You did right with the breathing, but there are more tips on this Site that would help you. :)

24-10-15, 20:10
Thanks :) I just wasn't sure if that sounded like a panic attack or not. It is hell of a scary. I have had similar feelings in shops but it never usually gets to the point it did yesterday. I used to be able to stop it at the start of feeling spaced out. I have never had the rubbery legs or major heartbeating before. I think because I am so fat I worry about having a stroke or heart attack, so when I started to feel a bit spaced I probably panicked that something bad was about to happen. I was also very tired.

Thanks for the info, I will check out the other parts of the site :)

25-10-15, 11:06
Yes that sounds exactly like a panic attack. Sounds a bit like how my first one started. Scared me to death, I could have sworn I had been drugged or something since it happened out the utter blue.