View Full Version : Eye issue

24-10-15, 20:50
Hello everyone.

I have recently been having issues with my right eye. If I blink a lot I see a different color sort of circle in my vision. If I squint I tend to see it and sometimes see it when not looking for it but not constant. I do have floaters but this is different to a floater.

When I went for a eye test they found some black thing at the back of my right eye and I didn't realize I couldn't read very well from a far distance with it. He made me do this grid which is called the amsler grid and some of the lines were wavy and not straight.

I got refereed to the hospital, been a few times about my eye and the eye Dr who wasn't happy to see me again straight away linked this to my anxiety until he checked my eye. He also could see a black thing behind my eye and I have to go for further tests.

When I got home yesterday I went to the internet and I found the grid the opticians made me do and I found out they use that to test for macular degeneration. The sad thing is there is no cure and you can lose your vision gradually or rapidly. The Dr and my optician talked about aging and that's what macular degeneration is.

I now believe I have it as everything I has points to it, I am only 27 and my biggest fear is losing my sight. I was born with Duane syndrome so I already have movement issues with my eyes. Just wondering if anyone out there has had similar issues or has been through what I am going through?

24-10-15, 21:56
I know it is easier said than done, but I would try not to worry until you know more. Is it something that had come on all of a sudden? Because you say you have been for many eye tests and it was not noticed. I have a vast array of eye symptoms that can not be explained

24-10-15, 22:45
I can relate. Sometimes I get this colored circle/white spot in my vision that appears more when I blink fast, look through window blinds, etc. I can see it when closing my eyes. It's as if someone took a picture of me with flash on and I had that permanent flash engrained in my vision. I have had this for years off and on. Sometimes it is more "bright" than usual, and sometimes I don't notice it at all. Sometimes I get little white spots in both of my eyes. I really don't know what causes it, always have been told my eyes are healthy. It comes and goes so much that I don't really worry about it anymore. By the way, I am 26 and have always had weird eye issues. My eyes are really sensitive especially because they are light blue.

25-10-15, 11:22
Thanks and I know, I am doing my best not to worry. I had a circle in my left eye and that kinda went away in time. I have had this with my right eye for some time and like you Jenn I just didn't worry about it. Then when I went the opticians he was concerned about it and when checked my vision my right eye could hardly read from a distance. Then the Amsler Grid test has what has really brought on this worry and having this dark thing behind my eye.

Then I saw a thread last night about the circle when I blink is another sign of macular degeneration. I think it was a story from a guy who has it and explains how he detected it and the pictures kinda look like what I see. So yeah I am feeling even worse today. :(