View Full Version : Why can You not find a decient program for free?

15-02-07, 02:33
I want to know why you cannot find a decient program for free that will help you with you anxiety / panic attachs. I Have been all over the net and found numerous ones and all want you to pay for the info. I cant believe that a person who suffered so long with these kinds of problems would want you to pay for their insite and ideas specially knowing how awful they are. I dont believe these people are for real. I believe that if they were they would have compassion for the ones that still do have problems and offers info for free because they suffered so long. I know if it was me i would tell every one i found something that works and is gaurenteed to make you problem beter. I think that it is bull #$%^ that a person is going to try to make money off somebody who just wants to feel better i am sure that if it was the other way around they would feel the same way. I mean you Have doctors that perscribe you meds to get better it isnt right either and we all live with it but ok. These people are not even doctors some of them and they claim to be able to get rid you your anxiety / panic issues. And the charge 100 to 200 dollars for something that i can pretty much figure out on my own with enough research. And as for changing your way of thinking, If it were that easy then we all would be cured right now. But it is not. I Have been dealing with this for 6 months and i havent found a way to make it stop yet. Meds dont help in some cases make it worse and i have no insurance do you think i can afford to pay 100 to 200 dollars for some cd that my not even work yeah right i dont even think so if i was going to do that i would just get medical help. And to top it off I cant even get help from the government to get help let alone pay for it. I have Had it with people trying to take advantage of struggling people it is not fair and i think it sucks. For all those who read this that are these so called reformed suffers I think that you are full of it, wrong for using it to get rich and when you finally meet you maker you better have good excuse for you actions cause he wont care when he passes down his judgement on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

15-02-07, 08:02
I agree with you.

Everyone that comes on here giving advice, gives it for free as they all genuinely wish to help another person who is suffering as they are.

And, much as these people would like us to believe it, there is no magic cure. You can obtain as much information (for free!) by reading the postings on here.

I'm very sceptical about whether any of these people selling the "cure" have ever in their lives suffered with any form of mental illness at all. I imagine them to be mere money makers cashing in on people that are desperate to try anything to improve their quality of lives.

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

16-02-07, 13:04
I know i still think that people who Have to make money off people who are in need of treatment and desperate (not saying we all are) is complete bull****. If they really knew what they were dealing wiht then they should be a little more giving. Sorry that is just how i see it.


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

18-02-07, 22:54
I am doing this free course, looks good, have just started to do it, available to everyone.



19-02-07, 01:36
Hi JPK - you may not find a course out there for free but you will find information. The best source I have found is right here.

I echo others opinions that there isn't a magic cure and any course would tell you the same - it has to come from you.


19-02-07, 05:23
You could have a look at this:


My GP and counsellor suggested this site to me, I never managed to finish it but it did seem quite good. It's an Australian site, so it can be a bit odd in places, but it is free. It's aimed at depression and anxiety. Might be worth a try to see how you get on with it.
