View Full Version : 'Background' health anxiety and bad dreams

25-10-15, 00:02
So I guess you could say I've recently come out of a horrible period of extreme health anxiety, and for the last week or so, I've just been getting my life back to normal again, but for the last few days I've not been feeling great.

I noticed firstly that I was starting to just feel very low and irritable in general. I had no reason to be feeling low, but I was. I was annoying myself because I was feeling that way, and I wanted to just tell myself to snap out of it and remember that everything is fine and I am healthy.

Then the other day, I was watching TV and I suddenly began to feel extremely anxious about my health, basically the feeling you get when you're anxious about a particular health worry, except, there was no particular health worry. It's like my brain forgot that everything turned out to be ok, and defaulted back to an anxious, panic feeling. I actually had to remind myself that I was fine.

THEN, two nights ago, I had a HORRIBLE dream that a family member was terminally ill. I woke up from it feeling extremely upset.

THEN the following night, I had TWO separate dreams, one about a family member being terminally ill, and then a SECOND dream that I discovered that a mole I had, had developed into what was quite clearly advanced skin cancer and in the dream I went into an absolute panic, felt sick etc... everything I've actually experienced with health worries in real life. When I woke up, I felt sick, but relieved obviously at the same time.

Anyway my point is, how on earth do I nip this in the bud and stop my brain from doing this to me? Even a couple of hours ago I started to have that lingering feeling as if there was something specific about my health that I was worried about, except there isn't, and again I had to remind myself that. It's ridiculous.

25-10-15, 00:21
You are not alone, I get that way myself, somedays I will be fine and some days my mind will go crazy! Yesterday I had MS and ALS! and today Im just fine with not a worry in the world. Just try to be positive.

25-10-15, 00:21
All I can is say I hear you.
I feel this way constantly and I have done for 15 years so I wish I could help you but i can't .... It's awful - that's way to nip it in the butt - its awful - don't let it get to you - don't be like me and live your life in fear ... x

25-10-15, 04:22
You need some dragon slaying tools in your tool belt. Getting some therapy/CBT can give you techniques to nip the irrationality in the bud. After the last spiral and tests where all turned out well (as I knew it would), you said you were going to look into getting therapy. I would seriously recommend you do so or else you'l end up going around and around in circles with your HA. The ball is totally in your court.

Good luck and positive thoughts

25-10-15, 08:03
You need some dragon slaying tools in your tool belt. Getting some therapy/CBT can give you techniques to nip the irrationality in the bud. After the last spiral and tests where all turned out well (as I knew it would), you said you were going to look into getting therapy. I would seriously recommend you do so or else you'l end up going around and around in circles with your HA. The ball is totally in your court.

Good luck and positive thoughts

I am in the process of having investigations. I've got a colonoscopy booked on Monday, I've been having blood tests etc... I've been to doctors. I've also been in counselling for HA since Jan, and I've said to myself that once this current thing is hopefully done with, I am going to have a serious chat with my doctor about medication for HA. I'm doing all I can. It's not like I'm ignoring the HA and not listening to anyone here. I'm paying for the counselling out of my own pocket every week with money I can't really afford to be spending. And I took a sleeping pill because I am desperate for a good nights sleep which I actually finally got in the end.

That's the thing with me... Compared to this time last year, I am coping LOADS better with anxiety than I was. I (believe it or not lol) find it easier now to calm myself down when I'm being irrational and am able to kind of say to myself "the chances of it being anything serious are very low, it's more likely to be this etc..." but when something like the other night happens where I was in agony, added to the fact I've been having abdominal problems for months now, I lost that control and went into a panic. Right now I can feel anxiety in me but I've got a lid on it. This time last year I would be in a state.... I really don't know what the next step should be in tackling my anxiety. If it is to stick with therapy, I do believe a different therapist is the best idea as I actually don't think the therapy is what has made me better equipped to handle HA, and I know this sounds arrogant, but it's more me that has learned how to handle it now just from past experiences all being fine in the end etc...

He has been having therapy for a while and mentioned how he is in a better place but it seems the therapy is lacking in impact. I think thats something to discuss with the therapist to see if they need to change tactics or try a different form.

CBT can help but as a GAD sufferer I don't see it as being as effective. I think that endless daily buzzing regardless of any trigger is more difficult to challenge and reason with. I think things like Mindfulness help here and since it has been shown to make brain level improvements in scans, it's worth a go since regardless of whether it "cures" it certainly has been proved to make positive changes to positive areas of the brain and postive changes in reduction to the fear centre.

Beyond that, I think it's a bit of a lifestyle thing. Getting many things right so you reduce that automatic anxiety setting on the thermostat.

25-10-15, 10:19
Yeah I've been in counselling/therapy since Jan... I don't think it's doing much to be honest. I'm seriously considering some sort of medication...

25-10-15, 11:24
I'm in this exact same stage at the moment too so please know you're not alone :hugs:

25-10-15, 13:52
Yeah I've been in counselling/therapy since Jan... I don't think it's doing much to be honest. I'm seriously considering some sort of medication...

Right... it was the addition of meds... I have a non SSRI chill pill that I can take when things get a little too stressful. I rarely use it (maybe a couple of weeks twice a year but it really does help.

Good Luck and Positive thoughts

25-10-15, 19:58
I'm in this exact same stage at the moment too so please know you're not alone :hugs:

Thank you I appreciate that. I'm trying to just do lots of things I enjoy at the moment to take my mind off it all and hoping it will pass soon... I'm also finding myself getting anxious about getting anxious about something health related again if that makes sense. Almost like I'm on egg shells, just waiting for the next health scare...

---------- Post added at 19:58 ---------- Previous post was at 19:57 ----------

Right... it was the addition of meds... I have a non SSRI chill pill that I can take when things get a little too stressful. I rarely use it (maybe a couple of weeks twice a year but it really does help.

Good Luck and Positive thoughts

I think I'm gonna have a chat with my doctor this week about it... I just need to at least feel like I'm taking some positive steps towards combating this, as at the moment I just feel as if I'm just waiting for it to start all over again and absolutely dreading it...

25-10-15, 20:53
Oh, you sound so much like me. Had it like this ever since early childhood. I wish I would somehow get rid of this. Sometimes watching or reading something really optimistic, e.g. a childrenīs book, before going to bed helps. With a heap of pictures. The visual part seems to help...

26-10-15, 02:16
I have a feeling of what you are going through. I'm currently going through a breast cancer scare. I had a dream that I was diagnosed with something horrible, not to sure if it was BC or not. However it did upset me pretty badly, I ended up dwelling on it all throughout the day. Messed up that day, and a few others. You'll be alright. I wish I could do more to help out. But just know you are not alone with all of us.

26-10-15, 12:26
Thank you guys I really appreciate the responses. It's bad enough having to deal with HA when I am worried about something specific, but to then have the worry of worrying... lol.

I'm just trying to keep myself occupied and busy and not give my mind any opportunity to wonder.

26-10-15, 12:49
I think when you've had HA for a long time you do become an expert in your own illness. I'm at a bit of a nadir myself now, but I know SSRIs aren't the thing for me and counselling - I get SICK of the sound of my own voice going over the same old stuff.
It's just too bad that drug abusers have ruined everything for the likes of responsible dabblers like me ;-) Sometimes all you need is something to get you over a hump, then you can manage again. I cope most of the time, by as you say, nipping the anxiety in the bud, just sometimes it mushrooms and I need to be reset. I've taken a tramadol today. First one in over 2 months.
Fishmanpa, what's your chill-pill?

29-10-15, 03:08
I'm in the same position at the minute and due to the absence of my appetite the fuel has made the fire roar. I feel your pain. Are u exhausted with it too? xxx

dizzy daisy
29-10-15, 08:00
You're not alone. I'm the same too. Been suffering for years but have managed to get things under control. Just last week had a migraine- get them often, but this time it set me off with the health anxiety. Been to walk in a few days ago as been off work since. They said I have a virus- but the health anxiety has taken over!! Miserable. I too get awful dreams when I'm in this state. I hope we all get well soon xx

29-10-15, 13:15
I've been a little better this week so far, but I can feel that my brain is still dialled up on the anxiety scale... It feels like the smallest thing will set it off but I'm just keeping myself busying if I do feel the anxiety creeping in, I actually try and get angry at myself and dismiss it straight away now.

29-10-15, 13:17
I think that's the right thing to do-just cut off the thought and move on. It's hard but you have to do it to improve

29-10-15, 19:29
I've been looking online today for alternative counselling to what I'm currently receiving... I really don't know what to do as it just seems like pot luck when picking a counsellor/therapist. None of them SPECIALISE in HA... I know that my current one isn't helping though...