View Full Version : Hope Someone Can Answer Me Or Help In Some Way.

25-10-15, 01:56
I haven't been to successful with getting answers or others saying they have had the same thing.. but I did a post in what looks like July about something that was happening to me from April this year back for eight months.

I had about 15 or 18 attacks for the lack of a better word. Out of the blue my eyes would cross and I could not get them to uncross or stop being that way for about 30 seconds to a minute. I could cover one eye and it would allow me to see to walk or get to where I was going but it got me very worried.

I had told many doctors and my internist even got me an eye appointment and I freaked out and never went to have my eyes checked but I still worry about this happening again. It happened many times randomly and then it has been gone since about April.

I am just really weirded out that it happened all these times and then just stopped. I am just curious and worried about what could have happened to cause this out of the blue for 15 or 20 times and then just stop?

I am scared it could come back anytime but I don't spend much time thinking about it but worry. I don't even like going to my doctor and it isn't a matter of not liking him or his office or nurses .I really like all of them but have a severe anxiety about just going period and then going to another doctor I don't even know freaks me out even more.

So I haven't been to the eye doctor and need to go back to my doctor soon. I just don't know what scares me so much about going but can't quit getting sick before going because it frightens me so much .

My question is.. why would this happen so randomly over almost a year and then just stop? Not that im complaining but its just strange. Anyone ever hear of this happening to someone or has it happened to you ?

I was just worried that it might have been a mini stroke or several mini strokes and it could happen again. I talked to my doctor about it and he just set me up to see an eye doctor but then I didn't go.

He doesn't seem concerned that I might have had a stroke nor did the doctors in the hospital when I kept telling them when I was in there a week that I was getting double vision . They just said I needed to see an eye doctor..

This is so much on my mind ,please someone try to help. I greatly appreciate any and all help.

25-10-15, 07:55
I think the important thing here is that your doctor wasn't concerned with the possibility of stroke and doctors are very well trained & experienced in spotting such things as they have to act quickly.

It sounds like another plus that it has stopped happening. Does this suggest something of a degenerative nature isn't the case? Usually I would think anything serious wouldn't stop without being treated in someway and would keep advancing.

It is is concerning, your eyes suddenly crossing and not being able to stop it. It would have worried me. But I'm not sure it's one you will get an answer to without seeking a specialist opinion.

Is there any way to pose such questions to a specialist remotely in the US? It's not ideal, but could it put your mind at rest without the stress of the appointment?

25-10-15, 10:26
Yes Terry there are several things that can account for what was happening. One is normal aging and degenerative issues. One is migraines which I have been taking a large dose of B12 for about six months.. B12 is suppose to cut migraines by half and so far is seems that it has.. so that might have been the issue . Also dry eyes and medicines that you aren't used to can account for this issue to .. At that time I was going through adjustments on several medicines also was under a lot of stress and getting major migraines and well my eyes are aging so all in all im sure that was most of it. I should have gone to the eye doctor and probably will have to bite the bullet and go and have my eyes checked out .. Freaks me out but guess if you have to you have to and my doctor im sure would know if there was something stroking me out or bad..Im pretty sure of it..But anyway thanks for answering me. Hope all is well with you and things are going good. I haven't been on here in awhile but just thought I would ask what anyone thought. I appreciate your answer.

I think any specialist that I would post to would say just go to a doctor. I have seen several people post similar questions and it seems that is the standard answer even for specialist although they tend to contribute to the poster that there are four different really bad reasons for this condition and then there are some benign conditions to but they always want to get the poster to get to a doctor so they can check and therefore not confirming or determining what a poster has.. So its kind of a crap shoot and doctors don't want to say because they aren't there to examine a person.

25-10-15, 23:16
The exact same thing has been happening to me for the last ten yrs. I used to worry about it too. It's scary. But after telling the doc etc. I just go with it and chalk it up to ocular migraines. I feel for u believe me but it's probably just that. They are harmless. Mnaha, you are the first person I've ever heard about having the same thing as me. It is exactly how I would describe it! Btw it happens more when I've been stressed-

26-10-15, 23:02
Thank you SammyB...I feel as you do ,that it all has to do with the occular migraines..and think those come from stress ,lack of sleep and tension and just being totally upset and worried. I haven't had any ocular migraines in awhile but in the last few days I have been worried and researching bladder issues and urinary retention like a crazy person. I have been getting stressed and worried and nervous ,and last night started having them really bad. Thank goodness I woke today feeling a little better. God bless you for contributing here and making me feel a little better. Keep in touch and maybe we can compare notes sometimes..thanks again.Michael