View Full Version : Travel Anxiety Help?

25-10-15, 03:11
Hello, I have generalised anxiety disorder and I am going on holiday to France in two weeks, I haven't been on holiday for three years and tend to get extremely anxious when leaving the house for a day, let alone a week. I booked the holiday when I was going through a time where my anxiety levels were fairly low and hoped for the best but the closer I get to the holiday the more anxious I'm getting. I am travelling by Eurostar and as you may be aware there has been a lot of things happening in the news regarding the refugee crisis, which is a terrible situation for the poor people but it just adds to my anxiety. I tend to think up worst case scenarios and at the moment have convinced myself I'm going to get trapped in the channel tunnel and have a full blown panic attack (which did happen to me the last time I went on a plane) I'm just wondering if anybody has any techniques on how they deal with their anxiety when they travel? Also I have thought about going to the doctors to see if they could give me something to calm me down for my travels, unfortunately my doctor doesn't tend to administer medication for anxiety and instead sends me off to CBT which really isn't working for me. Thanks for your help.

25-10-15, 15:00
Hi, You sound just like me when it comes to travelling (you can look back on some of my threads about my holidays if you want to).
You just have to face the fear and you have survived a panic attack before so can do it again. I have had panic attacks travelling but don't let it put me off going anywhere again.
Take some relaxing music for the journey. I always take a bottle of Back Rescue Remedy and a god book to read. The last time I went away I took a colouring book (you can get mindfullness colouring books).

25-10-15, 17:13

I understand how you feel. Sometimes people would like to be on a place where they can have a sense of familiarity. They don't want to go or to be outside their comfort zone. Traveling anxiety is a common problem faced by people like that. The best way is solve this is basically by facing your fears, look on the positive things traveling can provide, anticipate the places you can go, the places you can see, and the adventure.

I understand why your doctor wishes to settle on just CBT, I'm sorry to hear that he refused to give you a medication. There are some alternative methods you can do. Before you go pack up some teas that can have calming features. You can also meditate and practice breathing exercises. Those things can prepare you for a panic attack.

If ever you pursue your holiday I wish you goodluck and I hope you enjoy the adventure. Bon Voyage. :)

25-10-15, 18:50
I recently flew to France and was very anxious. Before I went I found a crossword book that my grandma had given me and it really helped to distract me. Even when I'm not travelling I've found it useful, especially at night when I can't sleep.

Not the best advice but something small that you can try!

Davy 53
05-08-16, 22:34
Hello Aimeee ,I just read about your concerns about your planned trip to France and just want you to know that I fully understand what you are going through. I,'ve suffered similar issues since childhood even though it's only been the last ten years that I have begun to understand,cope with these fears. I'm in fact doing the same journey except by boat.then the plan is to drive my campervan down to benidorm........,a trip which I have done several times previously within the last 15 years..BUT the worst part of it all is always the short crossing to France, I believe it has something to do with the feeling of 'not being in control' of the situation. Usually ,once driving I,m fine ,if just a little anxious. I'm sure once you get through the tunnel ,(which has an excellent safety record by the way) you will start to relax and wonder what all the fuss was about ! It's a shame your doctor won't prescribe diazepam.....I take it in small doses and it does certainly take the edge of the feelings of discomfort. Best wishes and try to remain positive! Davy53