View Full Version : so tierd of fighting panic agraphobia

15-02-07, 10:32
well been living with anxiety panic and agraphobia on and off for over 30 yrs but now feel i have deppression to cope with as well its always been a constant battle tried so many things over time read so many books but find it hard to stick at any thing maybe i always feel its not working i exspect some kind of change over night but as i am getting older as i am now 51 its a scarey thought not feeling i have realy lived at all just lately been feling so trapped inside myself and can,t see no way out at all been feeling very emotional cry at silly things then sometimes i feel so full up as if i could burst out crying any min but then feel so angry at my life i dont seem to beable to release any tears its realy hard to explain i try to work out why i am angry my husband is very selfish and does not help me in any way he adds to my anxiety so feel trapped in my relationship as well god i sound as misserble as sin dont i maybe thats how i feel soz for going on but just felt the need to ramble and what better place to do it bye for now trish

15-02-07, 13:35
Sorry to hear your feeling so low,and dont have the support of your hubby.Are you on any meds for your depression?Iv had depression and anxiety for about 12 years maybe longer.Im 40 now.I think we all wish things would get better overnight,but it just doesnt happen.Hope you feel better soon:)

Ellen XX

16-02-07, 08:25
thanks elen for yr reply i keep thinking i might pick up when the weather does yet i always liked winter best the ddark nights and tooked in yr home its like a safe feelingnow wen i get up and its dreary i hate it the worst time is the mornings i get up feeling over anxiouse and takes biggest part of my day to wind down i look round the home and feel crap at all i have to do over and over again i wish i could be happy just to be cleanin my home and coooking i have even lost that any way thanks again bye for now trish

16-02-07, 20:58
hey stop beating yourself up, you can do it, I did. It's an old cliche but you gotta start seeing positives, makeoing negatives postive, look at the world with new eyes, she is a beautifull place if only we take the time to stop and smell the flowers. I am not being condicending, its how i fought and won the battle. Im sure you can as well


16-02-07, 23:00
I've been meaning to answer this post as the title keeps jumping out at me.

Hun I totally know what you mean - if you can let it all go for a little while and stop trying. It's the very act of trying too hard sometimes that can put even more pressure on us, which then leads to increased anxiety.


Work out some little treats for yourself and rewards for achieving and working towards things you find difficult.

Try getting some affirmation cards and say the affirmations to yourself regularly - I honestly believe if we can replace the negative things we say to ourselves with positive stuff eventually this takes effect. It stands to reason really doesnt it.

Have a look on www.holisticshop.co.uk at Louise Hay's cards called I can do it or Wisdom cards. They will be under divinations cards and then Inner development cards.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.