View Full Version : Anxious by this horrible cold!

25-10-15, 14:05
Since I've had children, for whatever reason, I get really anxious whenever I get sick. It's terrible. I constantly think the worst, think I won't get better and it's consuming me right now. My son gave me the stomach flu in the summer, then hand, foot and mouth, then a cold followed by this. I've been sick every month for the last four months and really starting to worry. Usually I get sick twice a year. Also, I am getting up with my baby three times a night still and he is a year old. Also had some major stress from family drama lately.

I slowly came down with a cold last week which has turned into the worst cold I have had in a long time. I'm super tired, have no energy, am lightheaded for the third day in a row and have lots of yellow mucous in my nose and throat. I'm so scared that I'm going to get worse and am terrified to go to the doctor.

Has anyone else had a doozy of a cold that just took more time to get rid of??

25-10-15, 14:30
Has anyone else had a doozy of a cold that just took more time to get rid of??

I believe everyone can raise their hand on that one ;) Feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

25-10-15, 14:52
I agree wit Fishmanpa :)
When you have young children and have less sleep you get more run down and seem to catch everything going. I take berocca when I have a cold and it helps keep it under control.

25-10-15, 15:04
I think there is just a horrible Virus going around at the moment, I have had mine for 2 weeks its better than it was but still a pain. I hope that you feel better soon.


25-10-15, 15:27
Appreciate your replies. Thank you. I guess a more appropriate question would be: how do I reduce my anxiety when I am ill? I try to tell myself that I've had some pretty terrible viruses in the past and have always gotten better, all in good time, but have a hard time in the moment. I wonder if having to take care of two children, full time, sick is contributing to my anxiety because I know they need me.

25-10-15, 18:17
Anxiety usually does increase when you have a physical illness. Just keep telling yourself that it will soon go.