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View Full Version : For all the Health Worriers

25-10-15, 14:46
So, I wanted to post something about Health Anxiety that maybe will help all of us.
Ive been suffering from Health Anxiety for the last couple years with it being at its absolute worst this summer. I mean I can't even count on my hands how many "diseases" i have diagnosed myself with in the last couple months.
I want all of you to sit here right now and think about every disease you have thought you had, and when you think about it, think of how silly it sounds, laugh at yourself.

Let me give you some facts that will help relieve some of your worries. My mom is an oncologist so she works with cancer patients everyday. My mom is now working on a huge project that they are trying to launch around the world called SURVIORSHIP and the reason that they are working so hard on this project is because every day the rate of people surviving cancer is increasing tremendously. My mom has said that cancer will probably be a small concern in the next few years with how much improvement and research they are finding.

Let me throw some more facts at you, I go to visit my mom at her office and everytime Im there the majority of people there are elderly, most over there 50s and 60s. If you are in your 20s even 30s the chance of you getting this disease is so low its crazy, my mom says I have a better chance at getting in a car accident.

You don't have ALS or MS, those are so crazy rare and something you don't get till your much older. Plus you don't die with MS, my mom knows a woman who was diagnosed with MS in her 40s, 20 years later the woman is still living a normal life, ALS is so rare and doesn't usually happen until you're much older, so if you're in your under 40...STOP WORRYING ABOUT ALS

What I want for all of us is to stop worrying about such silliness. Health Anxiety is taking over our lives. We are so scared of getting sick and not being able to live our lives and dying, but look at what were doing everyday, were not living our lives right now cause were worrying about what might happen to us or about the lump in our neck thats probably nothing or the pain in our side thats probably nothing. I knew I hit rock bottom when I was examining my pee in the toilet, I wasn't even sure what I was looking for or why I was thinking I needed to check it out like WHO DOES THAT, and Im sure all of us do crazy things to check ourselves out, that are probably insanely crazy and end up freaking ourselves out and whats the point?

We need to stop! Seriously! I know its hard, trust me, Im still working on it, but let me give you guys some tips that seem to help me.

1. Dont google. I swear google is the root of all evil for us Heath Worriers. It won't reassure you I promise. When you start to google, please stop yourself. Take a few deep breaths and close that tab. I promise you google will do nothing for you.
2. Eat the right things. I am a crazy picky eater and i could live off bread and cheese and just junk food, but I've added a lot of fruits and veggies to my diet along with eating the bad stuff, don't stop eating that pasta you love, just put some veggies and chicken in it. Eat that hamburger, but get carrots instead of fries. Its a lifestyle change. I make a great smoothie of kale and spinach strawberries, bananas and milk. Its the best thing to start my morning. Eating the right things will make you feel better and lower your anxiety
3. Exercise- even if you don't want to jump on that treadmill, go swimming or take a walk with friends, go play tennis or basketball, JUST GET MOVING. Exercise makes you feel so good and happy.
4. Meditate or do yoga- look up ways to meditate or yoga, I do yoga at home with an app i got. Trust me it really settles the mind.
5. Journal- WRITE DOWN YOUR FEELINGS! Write down goals and things that make you happy and where you see yourself in 5-10 years.
6. Remove stressors (if you can). Think about it, theres other things worrying you, besides your health. (Money Job School) if you can, try to remove these stressors at the moment. I took a semester off of school just to help get myself happy and healthy and to remove an extra stress, i know some of us can't do that, but try to minimize whats stressing you out if you can, because the reason your health anxiety is at an all time high is probably because your stressors are at a high too.
7. Distract yourself- when you feel like you're getting nervous, go watch your favorite movie, or read a book, or go for a walk. Do something instead of dwelling on what may happen.
7. Surround yourself with people you love. Have dinner with your best friend. Have a movie night with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Go on a walk with your mom and dad. These people will make you happy and forget the worries in your life.

People please stop worrying, its not doing you any good and its making your life miserable. Please don't worry about every lump and pain. Give it the 2 weeks rule. If its still there and impacting your life, go see your DR and don't worry about it, my dad had a lump on his back that just went away, he had one on his neck, went to the DR and they told him they were going to remove it and that was it, most of the time, your lump or pain is NOTHING, and if it is something more serious, us health worriers are so in tune to our body that we most likely caught it on time.
If you go to your yearly physical and mammograms and colonoscopy your chances of surviving anything they find are over the 90 percentile. People who die from diseases are most likely people that didn't go to their yearly physicals or other things, or just ignored it, and trust me we know none of us ignore symptoms, so most likely were all going to live till were 100.

One more thing if your anxiety is out of control, go to your Dr and have them prescribe you medicine. I was so against being on medication, until i got the facts and was put on a low dose lexapro, that just help bring back some of the serotonin in my brain. It helps trust me, also if you can go see a counselor they can give you some great techniques, if your in school see if you have a counseling center at your school, I see my counselor for free thankfully, I know we all don't have that option, but if you do have that option, take advantage of it. If you can't just look up Cognitive Behavior Therapy techniques and try and use those

I know this was crazy long, but I want to help all of you, because Health Anxiety freaking sucks! I have never felt the way I did when I had this anxiety. I hate that you guys feel this way and I really hope this thread gives you guys some peace of mind and tips.

If you have any more questions or comments, Ill check back here frequently and be there for reassurance. Lets fight this monster together and get all us back to our normal healthy lives


25-10-15, 18:55
Great post, hope it reassures a lot of people :yesyes:

25-10-15, 19:12
Wow. Thank you so much. I am in the trenches with health anxiety. Suffering daily. So scared about an appointment to discuss a colonoscopy tomorrow that the doctor is probably going to ask why I am there. Yes, checking my body daily. Yes checking the toilet ALL the time. I am going to print out your post and put it on my fridge. Thank you so much.

25-10-15, 19:13
Really reassuring post. Well done x

25-10-15, 19:20
Hopeful927- Health Anxiety sucks, but I'm sure you're okay. I can tell you from what I know if you have to get a colonoscopy it's seriously nothing to worry about. It's such an easy procedure and is one of the greatest preventions of colon cancer. You will do great, and I know everything will be okay :)

25-10-15, 19:21
Great post, I am a 22 year old male that has a big problem with Lymph Nodes, this has really helped me think about it. I think the point about Google is my biggest issue as if I had never googled swollen Lymph Nodes when I did it a couple of months ago I wouldn't have been in the situation that I have been in for the last 4 months worrying about every one I find. I am currently still worried about two that I have found in my Neck the are really close to each other and even after a Doctor and a Nurse telling me they don't think there is anything to worry about I still do as I once Googled and found the word "Matted"

I think people like myself could really benefit from reading this post.

25-10-15, 19:40
Great post, I am a 22 year old male that has a big problem with Lymph Nodes, this has really helped me think about it. I think the point about Google is my biggest issue as if I had never googled swollen Lymph Nodes when I did it a couple of months ago I wouldn't have been in the situation that I have been in for the last 4 months worrying about every one I find. I am currently still worried about two that I have found in my Neck the are really close to each other and even after a Doctor and a Nurse telling me they don't think there is anything to worry about I still do as I once Googled and found the word "Matted"

I think people like myself could really benefit from reading this post.

Oh I understand. I looked up twitching and led myself down a crazy path of thinking I had ALS and MS. So many times we worry about things that are not something to worry about. I have a friend that always has swollen lymph nodes, and his Drs told him it's nothing to worry about, you have to trust them. You might have always had swollen or bigger lymph nodes and never noticed them until you did start to notice and started googling. Go to your yearly physical and trust your Drs, like I said, my dad had a huge lump in his neck and he went to the dr and they removed it and that was it, most of the time it's nothing serious.

25-10-15, 20:34
I understand that I need to trust them and I do try, I have a slight cold which is why they think I have slightly swollen Lymph Nodes I have around 4 on the left side of my neck two that are close together and I thought were matted I was told they are just close and swollen and I think they are right about it (I hope anyway). I just think that if we didn't Google we would never be in the position that we are, before I Googled I was blissfully ignorant of most medical conditions. I know when something wast right and would go to a Doctor but since Googling and my HA kicking it up a notch I have gotten to a point where what I have read just pops in to my head when ever I feel a lump.

25-10-15, 20:45
I understand that I need to trust them and I do try, I have a slight cold which is why they think I have slightly swollen Lymph Nodes I have around 4 on the left side of my neck two that are close together and I thought were matted I was told they are just close and swollen and I think they are right about it (I hope anyway). I just think that if we didn't Google we would never be in the position that we are, before I Googled I was blissfully ignorant of most medical conditions. I know when something wast right and would go to a Doctor but since Googling and my HA kicking it up a notch I have gotten to a point where what I have read just pops in to my head when ever I feel a lump.

That's why I said it was the root of all evil. I swear I would look up something and find every way to make myself believe I had the disease. And my lymph nodes get swollen when I get sick too! Like I said, trust your drs, I know it's hard, but trust me they're usually never wrong. You're fine. Go have fun and live your life. We're both so young, we have an amazing life ahead of us :)

25-10-15, 20:46
A really great post.

I always have been obsessed with illnesses such as cancer, especially after losing my Nanna to it. I was obsessed I had a lump or bowel cancer and it drove me crazy. I eventually got over it and managed to deal with it a lot better.

Just recently though I had my eyes tested and been seeing this light circle when I blink, bit like after having a photo taken but a bit more dull. As i had something similar back in 2012 and was told it was my anxiety I didn't let it worry me. After having my eye tested they can see a black thing at the back of my eye and my vision in that eye has gone poor. I can't make writing out from far away and everything looks dull looking if I don't have my left eye open.

I did this Amsler Grid test and the lines for me are not straight and moving. I have been the hospital and they are concerned about my eye but dr wasn't very nice with me as I been to see him with a similar issue in 2012 but they see something has changed in my eye.

Feeling worried, when I got home I went on the internet and found that amsler grid test I did and have found I could have macular degeneration as that's what they use to find it. The sad thing is there is no cure for it and I am convinced I have it as I found another link about the blinking spot that looked just like mine from a picture. It's like a story about a person who knew something wasn't right.

It's like the more and more you try and find out what the issue with my eye is. It just leads to macular degeneration, that and more worry so you are right about google. Everything I put in comes up with that. I am so worried I am going to lose my sight now and not been eating properly the last few days. I feel as if my life is over. It's a awful feeling.

I decided to stop looking on the internet for now as it just doesn't help and instead come on here and talk to people. Got to have more tests in a couple of weeks, just not sure how I am going to get by until then.

25-10-15, 21:27
A really great post.

I always have been obsessed with illnesses such as cancer, especially after losing my Nanna to it. I was obsessed I had a lump or bowel cancer and it drove me crazy. I eventually got over it and managed to deal with it a lot better.

Just recently though I had my eyes tested and been seeing this light circle when I blink, bit like after having a photo taken but a bit more dull. As i had something similar back in 2012 and was told it was my anxiety I didn't let it worry me. After having my eye tested they can see a black thing at the back of my eye and my vision in that eye has gone poor. I can't make writing out from far away and everything looks dull looking if I don't have my left eye open.

I did this Amsler Grid test and the lines for me are not straight and moving. I have been the hospital and they are concerned about my eye but dr wasn't very nice with me as I been to see him with a similar issue in 2012 but they see something has changed in my eye.

Feeling worried, when I got home I went on the internet and found that amsler grid test I did and have found I could have macular degeneration as that's what they use to find it. The sad thing is there is no cure for it and I am convinced I have it as I found another link about the blinking spot that looked just like mine from a picture. It's like a story about a person who knew something wasn't right.

It's like the more and more you try and find out what the issue with my eye is. It just leads to macular degeneration, that and more worry so you are right about google. Everything I put in comes up with that. I am so worried I am going to lose my sight now and not been eating properly the last few days. I feel as if my life is over. It's a awful feeling.

I decided to stop looking on the internet for now as it just doesn't help and instead come on here and talk to people. Got to have more tests in a couple of weeks, just not sure how I am going to get by until then.

I'm sorry to hear that my friend, but you made a good choice by not googling. Trust me I looked up so many things that made me think I had something. Think positively, and know that even if you do have what you think you have, you will still live a fine life, just a bump in the road, but you find a way to make the best of a crappy situation, but think positively and don't google

25-10-15, 21:41
Great just what i needed, thank you and google is the root of all evil!

25-10-15, 21:57
I'm sorry to hear that my friend, but you made a good choice by not googling. Trust me I looked up so many things that made me think I had something. Think positively, and know that even if you do have what you think you have, you will still live a fine life, just a bump in the road, but you find a way to make the best of a crappy situation, but think positively and don't google

Thanks Caitlin, I am a very negative thinker and was dealing with lots of stress before I went the hospital on Friday. Being positive makes everything better it's just difficult as losing my sight was one of my biggest fears and reading that on the internet and being no cure is what sent me on this panic.