View Full Version : In pain and panicking. Shoulder blade pain anyone?

25-10-15, 20:30
Hi everyone,
here I am, completely consumed by panic. For about three weeks Iīve had pains under my right shoulder blade and in my right epigastrium. Iīve had these pains before. In February, in June...and now. In Feb and June, I went to a docīs, had all sorts of blood tests done (amylase for pancreas and stuff), all clear. I was diagnosed with GERD and sent home. And now those terrible pains. I did it. I googled. Pancreatic cancer. Or lung cancer. Or bone cancer. I can eat everything I want without any change, but it seems worse when I lie down. When I walk around, itīs just fine. I went to my GP again and he sent me home telling me I should come in two weeks. TWO WEEKS. I am a crying, testament writing mess by now. I mean, I am 31, non-smoker, but yeah, havenīt we all read all those awful stories? Isnīt the TV full of news like that? Why should I be any different? And why doesnīt this awful pain stop? Should I just go to ER? What will I do if it is exactly what I fear it is? Can anyone offer a word of reassurance? Iīm really freaking out.

25-10-15, 20:51
The ER is for emergencies. If you're posting on an anxiety forum waiting for reassurance, it's not an emergency. If you're feeling that poorly, make an appointment with your GP but ultimately, if indeed this is your GERD/relux acting up, then treating it with proper diet/meds and reducing your stress and anxiety with therapy and/or meds would be the way to go.

Positive thoughts

25-10-15, 20:56
The thing is that my GP just doesnīt seem too concerned, but well, he never is. He is ok for a cold or a flu, but not for a diagnosis of anything beyond that. So I donīt even know who can help me... I mean, he is a nice guy and would always talk to me, but Iīd rather have some serious diagnostic procedures done than "oh, have some rest and you will be fine." It makes things worse to know that there is nobody to help me.

26-10-15, 11:24
They ruled out acute pancreatitis and tbh, you'd be doubled over if it were that.
If you drink, give up alcohol for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. I think my stomach is a tad sensitive to wine and my RUQ pain always goes away if I don't drink. Good old alcohol...

Yes, there's a tonne of hideous things it *could* be, but they're all SO unlikely given your age and the fact you don't smoke. Hold that thought.

26-10-15, 12:59
I have muscle pain under my shoulder blade all the time. I've had massages where they can reach under the blade to get at the knots. Feels great!