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View Full Version : worried about symptoms

25-10-15, 22:36
Hi I recently returned to work full time after been off work for 4 yrs looking after my children since my return to work I have had symptoms that are worrying me they are dizzy / giddiness lightheaded feeling in the head,very anxious, feeling a bit sick,bit headachey, feeling woozy/fuzzy like not there or with it, very tired, lack of concentration,eyes feel like things are to bright or a bit hazy, very nervous around people at work and can't get words out, I am very worried that these symptoms are serious I have had a lot of stress lately and have had these symptoms before but I am worried that it's serious and not just my anxiety, I was just after a bit of advice any would be great thanks.x

26-10-15, 12:17
Poor you, that sounds unpleasant!
Have you got anyone sympathetic you can pour it all out on? That would be my first step. Get it all out, write it down, go for a run maybe? You've had a big change in your life. Change is stressful, even if it's good change.

26-10-15, 14:45
it does sound like anxiety and nothing serious but anxiety in itself is so unpleasant try some relaxation and time for yourself hope you feel better soon x

26-10-15, 23:11
Hi thanks so much for your replys, I have not been good today at work with horrible giddiness foggy feeling I feel I am panicking which is making it worse, I am going to try some relaxation and try to calm I no it will get easier over time thanks again x

27-10-15, 08:36
I am getting exactly the same symptoms.
Mine has been a lot worse since I started a new job a few weeks ago after a year off.
Mine seems worse before I go to work and on the journey to work.
Once I am actually working I usually feel a bit better which makes me believe it is anxiety as when I am busy I don't notice it so much.
They are very unpleasant feelings and obviously we worry about it which makes it worse.

I wish I had a cure but at the moment I am just trying to carry on as normal in the hope that the symptoms eventually ease.
The giddiness is really scary and I get it at home as well which makes you feel constantly on edge and panicky.
It's a vicious circle.
Hope things get better for you soon x