View Full Version : Back after a while

25-10-15, 23:07
Previously "I have 3 symptoms
*Atrophy/asymmetry in dominant calf as its smaller (MAIN WORRY as i asked a family member and they said its smaller could this be because of an ankle injury sprain which i had 2 months ago and still hurts a bit and would atrophy come after weakness?)
*weakness/numbness in left foot(i havent fallen over and can stand on toes could this be because of injury in ankle which could be trapped nerve as my left ankle is a tiny bit swollen and i get pain after using it for a while)
*Twitching all over but more so in left leg with all around from time to time
I dont have any trouble doing things except for running normally at times because of pain in my ankle and i have also been over analysing my walking making me feel i walk differently which could point to als. Need some reassurance" Recently ive been trying to stay off the forum but had a rough day and I was going to google as I became really worried so I thought this was a better alternative. Basically I have been worried about ALS and I have found on 1 patch of my left calf the skin is easier to pinch and it seems like there is a lot less fat as when I pinch this patch I can easily pinch it whereas on my other leg it is not so easy and I have to pinch more fat which scares me as I am worried this is caused by ALS as they say it usually start in 1 patch from the nerves dying and I am scared this has caused my muscle to not use fat which would mean less is stored there which scares me. Could anyone give me reassurance and tell me what else this could be?
I have also been having stomach pain which I believe could be cramps which I read could also be a sign.

26-10-15, 10:40
that area also feels weird and I have twitches there maybe once a day which fuels my fear

26-10-15, 15:02
Your symptoms could relate to a whole host of things and you've plumped for the worst possible scenario!
One GP once said to me, "You have to accept that life involves risk." It was one of the most helpful things anyone ever said.
No one here can tell you it is or isn't anything to worry about. But as MND isn't terribly common you could think about it inversely. What is the chance of winning a nice amount on the lottery? Pretty low. Now imagine MND was something you really wanted, with those odds in mind, suddenly it's not very likely you've got it. :)