View Full Version : How do you stop the what if cycle?

26-10-15, 00:36
The automated front door to my apartment building is broken, meaning that not only does it not close and lock, but it's staying wide open. It's been like that all weekend and the building said they have to wait until tomorrow for engineering to fix it. Security from the main building tries to come by and push the door closed from the inside when they remember to, so I know it hasn't been constantly open for 48 hours, but still. At first it made me anxious because I live in a high foot traffic part of the city, and thought, "What if a robber or a homeless person comes in? What if some drunken bozos come in?" I've made some peace with that happening, but now I'm worried about vermin. What if a rat or mouse (or more than one!) come in to get out of the cold? I will LOSE IT if I see a mouse or rat in my flat. I will want to throw out everything and quite frankly move.

Now, I know rationally that I have no evidence to think this has happened, and that given the fact that I've never seen a rat or mouse around the grounds, it's probably unlikely. But I've literally stuck towels in front of the crack of my door and can't stop worrying. How do you stop the what ifs?

26-10-15, 07:39
Whilst the security door may be open, your flat door will be closed. So, it would be unlikely they would get in to your flat that way BUT mice get in through the brickwork if they want to anyway so they hardly need an open door if they are there. If something gets in, it can be dealt with and any infestation removed. They can't harm you.

Stopping "What ifs" can be achieved through positive "what ifs". Use one of these:


So, you could say:

"What if a mouse or rate doesn't get in?"
"What if there are none near your building?" (you've already started rationalising with this one)
"What if they do get in, what is the worst that can happen?"

Try to aim for 3-5 normally, I've read before that positives to challenge negatives need a certain number depending on the strength of the negative.

You mentioned not seeing them. In terms of rats, if the area is clean it is unlikely. If someone put a load of waste & rubbish by those doors and left it there, it's an invite to such creatures.

Mice are a bit different as rats would out compete them in the rubbish. Mice are probably more likely where there is natural food like in gardens. I've got a mouse usually in the back garden in the rockery. We get rats too but we live near various fields and woods so we get lots of wildife, foxes too at times.

30-10-15, 22:38
That's great advice, Terry. Thank you!