View Full Version : Hit my temple :(

26-10-15, 16:41
Whilst out today I hit my temple on a shelf in a shop whilst getting up from getting my purse.
It's now 2 hours later and my temple hurts.
I know the signs to look out for and I do feel tired because I was up early but apart from sleepy and every now and then I'm getting pain in my temple
I'm worried as I know that area is really thin and now I'm freaking out :(

26-10-15, 16:46
Try icing it. If you get the swelling to go down you probably won't worry so much. Ouchy!

26-10-15, 17:54
Is ice safe on the temples?
I wouldn't be that bothered if it was else where on the head but it's the fact it was on my temple it wasn't as hard as say a crash bang to the head more of a getting up hit an knocking the temple but it's so delicate there and my mind is thinking all sorts and bringing on the symptoms what with my anxiety :( x

26-10-15, 18:02
wrap it in a cloth. It's never occurred to me that it wouldn't be safe!

I think most of the blood supply to the brain goes up the internal carotid and vertebral arteries through the whole in the base of the skull. I know it's thin there but hitting your head on a shelf is very low impact.

I wonder why we've evolved that way. There's something to think about to take your mind of worrying! :)

26-10-15, 20:12
Looks like you know more than me! That's made me feel a lot better thank you. I am so tired right now but yet here I am scared to go to sleep! Damn you anxiety.

26-10-15, 20:17
You will be fine. As long as you haven't been sick x

26-10-15, 20:19
I haven't been sick but I feel a little nauseous and don't want dinner but again don't know if that's me worrying! :blush:

26-10-15, 20:21
Nah feeling nauseous is the worry. You will be fine as long as you don't chuck up and aren't feeling drowsy/cant walk etc. x

26-10-15, 20:38
Thought so!
I'm super tired but I can walk ive been doing chores around the house since ive been home I am very very tired tho where I can't keep my eyes open but I was out early.

I wish I could just stop thinking about it x

27-10-15, 13:12
Did you wake up this morning?

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------
