View Full Version : Melanoma Fears!

27-10-15, 19:10
Hi all, I had thought my health anxiety was under control but my panic is taking over once again!

I have had a check at a mole clinic - one mole on my back has come back as 'severely atypical' with a less likely, secondary possibility as melanoma. As you can imagine seeing the word melanoma has sent me straight into panic mode!

Has anyone had experience of mole checks and been referred to a dermatologist for a check to rule out melanoma? I have an urgent referral but due to a holiday I won't be seen for just over 2 weeks! Hoping the stress doesn't ruin my holiday!

27-10-15, 22:49
I don't know what to say - just try and stay calm?
You say it's less likely, so hold that thought. I had a skin check this week and my GP refers urgently at the faintest whiff of melanoma. It's standard practice when cancer needs to be ruled out. The good thing is, they're on it. They don't want to miss something. It's a marvellous system and they're looking after by being super-cautious.
As I understand it, melanoma has a bit of a hereditary component and is multifactorial.
Is this a regular check you have or has something changed? You've done really well even getting it checked so well done.

28-10-15, 08:35

I'm sorry you're going through this.
I had three moles that I'd just found looked at under a dermoscope on Monday and am waiting for the results, one in particular I'm sure will come back as melanoma the only thing keeping me slightly sane is that a) I've only just discovered it I I don't know that it has changed and b) it's not bigger than a pencil eraser. But it's almost black and irregular edges etc

I'm very scared and keep thinking the worst

I hope we both get good news x

28-10-15, 10:43
Thanks guys, was just a routine check, first time I've ever been to a mole clinic. And yeah I know they to be overly cautious so I'm trying to remind myself that.. I don't have any history of melanoma in the family and haven' had much sun burn in my life but I'm still worried.. it's the 2 week urgent referral that's scared me, sounds serious! and the fact that because of a holiday I'm having to delay the check by a week.. even considered cancelling the holiday but maybe I'm being over the top!

And fingers crossed its all fine isybelle, keep us posted, I'm sure in the vast majority of cases it's nothing to worry about so try and assume it's nothing unless you are told otherwise, easier said than done I know!!

28-10-15, 14:37
it's the 2 week urgent referral that's scared me,

Targets, targets.
Referral doesn't mean disaster. They're on it. They're looking after you.

28-10-15, 14:43
The rule is: "It's not cancer until they say it is". You can "what if" until the cows come home but that's the reality. I've been there, done that and if it is, you deal with it. The fact they're being pro-active is a good thing.

Positive thoughts

28-10-15, 15:21
last year I had a brownish purplish mark appear on my lip.. I went to the docs who referred me to the derm and was seen within 2 weeks with suspected cancer. I was convinced that was it for me.. turned out it was just a freckle.. try and relax x

28-10-15, 19:23
Thanks for all you're comments guys, they're keen to get me seen to before I go away on holiday so I'm having an appointment tomorrow now. Anxiety overload and fearing the worst but fishmanpa you're right, no point wasting energy when I don't even know the outcome..

28-10-15, 19:39
Good luck for tomorrow keep us updated

29-10-15, 11:39
Hi guys, thanks again for helping through my stressful few days!
I've been to the dermatologist for a check and everything looks fine.. 2 doctors checked it and said it looks like no problem and definitely does not look like melanoma. She said gps and skin clinics tend to be very sensitive and cautious, which is a good thing but of course me being me assumed the absolute worst case scenario! I'm having a routine removal and biopsy in December and hopefully that will be the end of it! Hope you're well isybelle and get some news soon!

29-10-15, 16:58
Thanks Craig really pleased you got good news.

I'm still waiting for results back after dermoscope said they would be back definitely by Monday but may be as early as Wednesday (yesterday) so I've been phoning doctors surgery every day but nothing yet.