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17-09-04, 11:11
Hi guys

I know that overcoming a fear is to face it and I really want to go and see someone about my socail phobia but i'm too afraid to go ahead. I get so down in the week due to feeling anxious around people & attending meetings and just about getting through them but when I get home i just want to rest & forget about it so that i can have some normality even if for just a few hours a day. I guess I don't want to get any worse than i am and seeing someone is like addressing it for me and so i'm scared this will make me more depressed & worsen my anxiety :(


17-09-04, 12:06
hello KW,

I can totally understand why you feel the way you do. The last thing you want after a stressful day at work is to have to deal with your anxiety...but I do think that after seeing a counsellor for a few times, he/she will gradually become a friend. That is how it has been for me. I was very nervous when I first started going but now, I really look forward to it. It's just like having a chat with a friend for me!!

Sarah :D

17-09-04, 13:42
Thank you Sarah. I'll hopefully pluck up the courage to go soon.


17-09-04, 17:56
I know how you feel because I felt the same. I knew I needed help but was too scared to go and get it.

In the end, my GP referred me and that was that so I had no real choice.

However, I am so glad he did because it has really helped. I would agree with Sarah too that after a couple of sessions you will get used to it and relax.

Its also quite nice to be with someone who really understands what you are going through.

I was in a terrible state the first time but it doesnt bother me at all now. At least if I do panic I am with the right person!

Wait until you are having a strong moment and then "go for it"

Good luck.


17-09-04, 18:40

I also have social phobia and depression and understand how scary it can be to go and see someone for help. It has taken me a long time to find the strength to get some help for my problems but it is such a relief to see someone who understands and to feel I am finally doing something to change my life.

I suffer with social phobia pretty badly and have become very isolated. My therapist is very understanding and patient, and she allows me to write during my sessions as I am still unable to feel comfortable talking.

It is a big step to take to admit we need help and to actually do something about it but it has been good for me. Although progress is slow, at least I feel I have a chance to change my life for the better.

Good luck.


17-09-04, 18:56
Thank you Briary... I admire you immensely. You're really brave. I will try and book an appointment next week and will try not to ponder on it...hopefully :)