View Full Version : When do Citalopram Side Effects Go Away or Should I try a new med?

27-10-15, 22:42
I have been taking Citalopram for almost 3 weeks now. When I first took the 20mg dose I had a BIG side effects with very bad heart palpitations, sweating, insomnia, weight loss and lack of apetite

So my doc said to try 10mg for a few weeks, however Im still suffering side effects..

The worse one being that my bladder constantly feels full no matter what.. I dont have a problem going, and it doesn't hurt to urinate and no cloudiness or blood... They did have me check for a UTI but it was negative with a trace amount of blood but she dident seem concerned.

They also ran blood tests and everything came back normal.. Liver Function, Red Blood Cells, Thyroid, Kidney function etc.. all normal

Did a Pap and everything was normal as well and she said my bladder felt normal as did my ovaries and uterus..

Now that I have been on this med for 3 weeks im still having other side effects such as

light headeness, jaw clenching (( so bad I literally have to pop my jaw back into place, lower back stiffness, still decrease apetite and another 1 lb lost, im still anxious, sometimes I can sleep ok and other times I toss and turn all night, I have loose stools and sometimes full blown diarrhea, sometimes Im easily agitated, yawining all the time and generally feeling spacey..

Im trying to give the meds time to work but it seems like a lot of side effects for such a small dose... I go Thursday to talk to my GP but Im wondering If i should just switch meds? The bladder thing has me in full anxiety panic mode thinking the dreaded C word.... Today has been especially rough

28-10-15, 07:55
I'd change the tablets.

I took Sertraline and it hit me like a train, side effects like yours. I've switched to citalopram 10mg (first time) and apart from nausea and some dizziness I'm absolutely fine (albeit this is only first day!).

28-10-15, 08:17
It can be 4-6 weeks but it can be shorter too. I went straight on 20mg and if was very difficult at first. I need Zopiclone for the insomnia for a while. After about 3 weeks I started to see a reduction in side effects.

Given the range of side effects for what is considered a non therapeutic dose it seems a lot to put up with and a switch might be an idea.

28-10-15, 20:23
Thanks I think i might make a switch... I hope everything turns out ok...Thanks for your advice :D