View Full Version : All of the things I currently fear

28-10-15, 06:36
Hey, I just wanted to make a list of all of the things I currently fear are happening to me so that maybe it'll help both myself and others to see how crazy it is that we have one of these things never mind all of them. So here goes:

Brain tumor, lung cancer, melanoma, blood clots, heart problems, acid reflux/GERD, and probably more that I'm not thinking of.

I've had headaches, chest pains, coughing, muscle twitching, panic attacks, head pressure, neck pain and tension, back pain. Every time I spot a new mole or freckle I stress about it all day and have to get someone to look at it to calm me down. I've never had any of this stuff before the middle of this year. I'm only 20 just about 21. I'm otherwise healthy and am not a smoker/drinker/drug user. I should have no problems and be able to live my life, and yet because of this anxiety I'm constantly thinking something is wrong with me and thinking it'll happen the moment I let my guard down. Some nights I can't even sleep until I just reach that point where I'm so incredibly tired that I can't keep my eyes open. I'm much better than I was a month ago even, but it's still ridiculous.

Maybe this can be a thread where we post what we think we have and why it's actually totally irrational and silly of us to think we have it. I think it would be really helpful and I'd love to hear from everyone. Thanks!

29-10-15, 02:31

I'm the same, long list of serious ailments spanning this year:-

Colon cancer
Bladder cancer
Ovarian cancer
Skin cancer in big toe
Skin cancer of the arm
Cervical cancer

It doesn't matter each time I get over one ailment and another occurs I just cannot seem to be able to rationalise my fears. It doesn't help that I've barely had an appetite this year which fuels my fears.

I don't know about your but exhausted with it all xxx

29-10-15, 10:30
Hi I am the same
here is my list!

Oral Cancer - Currently have a mouth full of ulcers
Skin Cancer- All those blooming moles
Cervical cancer (actually have had treatment this year for precancerous cells, further treatment required in 6 months)
Colon Cancer- Colonoscopy in two weeks time
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer

same as above!! I get over one and then the next crops up.. hate feeling and living my life this way!!!! I am also exhausted and just want to be happy again.. cant believe this all started in Feb of this year!!!!!!

29-10-15, 10:55
Gosh such a relief that it is not just me. Yup I've had all of those listed plus a few more.

Honestly don't know whether to :roflmao:or :weep:

29-10-15, 14:09
Absolutely. If it's not one thing, it's another. Yesterday I was stressing about blood clots and PE's all day. Today I'm back on melanoma. I originally had a mole that freaked me out and got it removed with a normal diagnosis. Now I keep finding new moles and each new one I find worries me, just because I'm 80% sure it wasn't there before. I almost feel like with all the worrying and energy I spend thinking about what could be wrong, that something has to be wrong. It's exhausting.

29-10-15, 18:48
Mine started in February too!!

I feel the same where I don't know whether to laugh or cry, it's comforting to know that there are people out there like me and I'm not a rare breed or alone xxx

29-10-15, 18:54
Colon cancer
Throat cancer
Cardiac arrest (I mean, really!)
Brain aneurysm (sp?)
ALS (ongoing)
Brain tumour
Thyroid problems
Going blind
... going deaf.

What a life to lead!

Had to laugh reading this. I'm only bloody 23! Colon cancer - give me a break!

29-10-15, 19:11
I'm with you man. I'm 21 in a month and I waste so much time worrying about dying or getting some awful disease that I'm barely living. I acknowledge that it's such a waste of my thoughts and time, but I also feel powerless to stop it. It's extremely comforting to know lots of people feel like I do though.

29-10-15, 20:03
Hi I have had this on and off most of my life I really think "normal " people have it to but when you are a anxious person or have been or going through a hard time it gets out of hand.
When I feel ok I really live fast and hard always have done probably drink smoke and eat to much and then I panic about it ...mine is a heart attack always or my lungs ..
I do a lot of self talking and I also read a book by Dr Claire weekes called self help for your nerves really works for me I know you can all get through it and it might raise its ugly little head from time to time , but to be honest worrying about something that may never happen is like carrying a huge umbrella around incase it rains ..pointless :)

29-10-15, 21:35
I'm with you man. I'm 21 in a month and I waste so much time worrying about dying or getting some awful disease that I'm barely living. I acknowledge that it's such a waste of my thoughts and time, but I also feel powerless to stop it. It's extremely comforting to know lots of people feel like I do though.

Yeah it sucks. Usually it's fine but I've definitely lost the last 6 months to this s**t and it's starting to get me down.

Still, it'll get better. :yesyes:

29-10-15, 22:13
In the past...

Going blind
Brain tumour
Liver failure
Pancreatic cancer
Stomach cancer



This is horrible and you're right no way to live. I'm seeing a hypnotherapist on Friday. I'm not sure it will work but I'm willing to try anything at this point

Instead of playing with my son I'm googling images of skin cancer...it's just stupid

29-10-15, 22:18
I've had various fears, all relating to death (I jump to worst case scenario every time!)

Was thinking today that I was starting to get over my health anxiety but just saw an article on BBC and if got me feeling anxious again.

Does anyone else see a news article about something bad happening to someone and take on that fear?

29-10-15, 22:18
Gosh my list is endless.

Heart problems - I do have SVT but always think I'm going to have a heart attack.
Brain tumour
Lung cancer


Iv had health anxiety since I was about 18 :-(

29-10-15, 23:17


This is horrible and you're right no way to live. I'm seeing a hypnotherapist on Friday. I'm not sure it will work but I'm willing to try anything at this point

Instead of playing with my son I'm googling images of skin cancer...it's just stupid

YEP! Instead of enjoying my night, I'm thinking about moles, why my leg hurts and keeps twitching, and how I'm going to end up sleeping tonight.