View Full Version : really need help right now please

28-10-15, 10:32

Ive been away for a while and seemed to be on a path to sort of recovery however I am in a right state just now!

I have ulcers on my tongue and red blood blisters on my lips and of course I believe its cancer.

Please can any one help?

dizzy daisy
28-10-15, 11:34
Lots of viruses about right now- just look at my posts I'm in a right state too. It's very unlikely to be cancer xx

28-10-15, 11:46
It sounds like nothing major to worry about Lottie, try and be calm and rational, of all the things it could be it's very unlikely to be cancer, perhaps it's linked to stress? Keep positive I understand you're fear!

28-10-15, 12:41
Hi Lottie, no matter what it is, go and get it checked because it is causing you distress, and perhaps the GP can help get you back on track quickly :)
Though I have to honestly say in all my years of health anxiety 'research' I have never heard of a cancer like that, viruses behave like that and if you're stressed, that makes sense.

Hope it passes quickly and you can feel better very soon :) for now, eat well and stay hydrated, try to distract and manage your stress and anx as best as you can.

28-10-15, 13:09
I sympathise with you but hopefully can put your mind at rest a bit as well. Over the last two or three weeks I've read every article there is to read on oral cancer due to a small hard bump I've discovered on my gum. I can assure you what you've got isn't the symptoms of it. Oral cancer normally shows up in one place and unless the ulcers / blisters don't clear up after 2-3 weeks they're nothing to worry about. I know what you're going through and this probably won't put your mind at rest at all because my dentist has told me my lump is nothing to worry about but that hasn't stopped me still worrying. But please try not to worry, it's really nothing to worry about.

28-10-15, 14:52
Well, we don't know what it is is the honest answer, but I'd say the most likely explanation is a virus. Hope it's not too painful and passes soonest.

29-10-15, 10:01
Hi all

well I went to the drs and he said it is stress related.. I told him that I have had these for the past 3 weeks and that they are just not leaving but he did not seemed at all concerned!

My concern is this! ive had them 3 weeks + they go down and then reappear in different places.. can anxiety really do this to you? I recently had to have lletz procedure to remove pre cancerous cells from bad smear result and next week I have to go for colonoscopy.. Im all over the place and just want to be normal and healthy!

thank you all for your replys.. sorry I didn't respond sooner but I typed the original yesterday and then went into full on anxiety attack :-( (haven't had one for a few months)

hope you are all well


Luna night
09-02-16, 21:49
I am worried about my blood blisters to.
My dentist is to, so much so she has referred me to hospital to check them out. Scared its oral cancer.