View Full Version : Healing?

28-10-15, 22:42
Hi I am Steve and I am 41
Sorry if I posted this to wrong forum. I am new to site .

I have never really dealt with anxiety/panics much through my life . So this is very scary and new to me. Had few small episodes through my life. This past summer.I would have these spells of feeling like something is wrong or of doom. followed by huge panic attack in August. Followed by several attacks for weeks after . Couldn't work , drive car etc. Started meds (Paxil 5mg) up to 10mg after couple weeks. have not had any panics for two weeks since. I have started seeing a cbt therapist also.
I still can not get good sleep 4-5 hrs and feel horrible. I use to be workout /exercise daily guy- now no motivation at all . Is it normal to feel so bad every morning even after the panics have slowed? Every day is a struggle . Then I dread bed time cause of what the next day will bring. I am trying to stay positive . But I can not get it off my mind. Is it just part of the healing ? Is it normal to start this in your 40's? Sorry for all the questions ! This is all very new to me

I ran into this site and it has really helped me feel better !! Thanks


29-10-15, 11:28
Yes this is totally normal during and after a bad spell of high anxiety or panic attacks, especially if you are relatively new to the experience though I've had panics for 4 years and I still get the phase you are in after a bad spell. I'm currently in the same boat as you after a very stressful few weeks which brought on severe panics and flared up my OCD.

And yes, panics can start at any age. You're sadly never too old or too young to get them! Mime started out the blue at 19 and I've had them ever since. My mum was the same but my gran never got them until she hit the menopause.

29-10-15, 11:36
I had a nervous breakdown aged 45 never had a problem before in my life
I'm 48 now and almost fully recovered,if I can do it so can you

29-10-15, 12:43
Thanks for the help! It's a cycle I am in right now. By evening I am better feeling then the dreaded nights and early morning wake up. Can't get motivated so so hard to function. It's so hard for me to accept its from the panics.

29-10-15, 18:03
It's a vicious circle that only you can break,acceptence goes a long way in helping you recover