View Full Version : Paxil stop

29-10-15, 00:13
I started Paxil 12 days ago at only 5mg and the doctor wants me to up to 10 after two weeks. After a serious panic in August and another month and a half of panics . They have stopped I can't get the worry out of my mind tho. Still feel horrible and sleep has not returned. I have read all the bad reviews bout Paxil and am scared to up dose of if I should even take anymore . Can I stop after only 2 weeks ? The sexual side effects worry me also. I should have researched before taking but I was so desperate. I am a very natural guy never took any meds in my life

Thanks for any advice


29-10-15, 00:51

I'm on sertraline, not Paxil. Be that as it may, if your panic has stopped, I consider that a good sign. I'd go ahead and increase the dose like your doctor wants and just see how it goes. That might very well reduce your anxiety further and you will be really thankful you took it. If it turns out it screws up your sex drive, you can always try something else.

I understand wanting to be "natural", but living in a constant state of anxiety and panic isn't natural or healthy either.

Take care!

29-10-15, 12:44
The dreaded withdrawals is what scares me also.

29-10-15, 20:41
If you cut down very slowly and in maybe even in smaller doses than your doctor recommends (some people on this forum cut their pills into tiny pieces), then it seems like withdrawal should be fairly easy.

I've cut down from 100mg sertraline to 75mg in about a month and didn't feel any worse than I already did (I'm trying to get off of sertraline). I took it in two steps, from 100 to 87.5 then to 75.

I'm actually considering going on Paxil next, which is why I'm visiting this thread.

Good luck!