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29-10-15, 02:45
Lost Appetite
Hello Fellow Worriers,

Was wondering if any of you have ever had long term appetite loss due to your Health Anxiety?

Your replies and experiences would be much appreciated.

Much Love X

29-10-15, 11:21
I have lost my appetite due to a flare up with OCD, panics and anxiety (including health anxiety) for the last month. When I feel down, stressed or anxious, my appetite is one of the first things to go.

I lost a stone in 3 weeks in the summer due to not eating mainly because of OCD

Its important to eat even when you dont feel like it. I know its easier said than done when you have zero appetite. Even just eating a piece of fruit or a bit of chocolate is better than nothing. I can't remember the last full meal I ate due to lack of appetite, its just been snacks here and there.

29-10-15, 18:51
Thank you very much for my response, it's really comforting and reassuring. Does your lack of appetite fuel your belief that you have a serious illness? That's where I am at the minute and it's causing me more anxiety and panic xxx

29-10-15, 18:54
It makes me feel like I am going crazy because I am letting something that's just in my head (anxiety) affect my eating and that I must be more mentally ill than I am of that makes sense? I do fear that if I don't eat more, I will develop a serious physical illness or I'll pass out or something so I just force myself to eat. Hoping my appetite comes back fully soon cuz I bloody love food!

29-10-15, 19:02
I love food too! That's my problem, I don't think my lack of appetite is due to my anxiety, I've convinced myself it's because I've got a serious illness. I can't work out which would make me feel worse :-( xxx