View Full Version : All my symptoms

29-10-15, 09:54
Just in case it helps others, here is s list of all my symptoms, worse ones first:

Dry mouth
Pain between shoulder blades
Waking early in the morning
Burning pains in limbs
Hot anxiety flushes that start in stomach
No appetite until about 6pm each day
Obsessive thoughts and what ifs
Just want to lay in bed/sofa under a blanket all day
Guilt, because there are worse things in life than my triggers
Guilt, it gives my hubby a rough ride too

29-10-15, 11:02
I'm hoping it will help me to list mine as I'm currently struggling.
Clammy palms
Tingling legs
Feel like im going to faint
Dry mouth
Feel sick
Feeling cold and shivery

---------- Post added at 11:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 ----------

Constant crying forgot that

29-10-15, 15:10
This is a great idea for a thread as with anxiety disorders, your symptoms often leaving you feeling so bad make you feel so alone and like you are the only person in the world who is going through those symptoms.

Here are my symptoms in my current phase that I am in -
Tight chest and back (I have a cold and I've had my heart and lungs listened to twice this week and all came back clear and the cough isn't in my chest apparently)


No appetite

Hot one minute, cold the next

Dizzy and light headed


No notion for much

Sharp and crampy pain between my shoulder blades

Churning/dodgy feeling gut


Just want to lie in bed all day

A horrible feeling of impending doom or sadness

A weird feeling which I don't know is depression or maybe just fear of my situation, but I keep feeling like all my personality has been zapped out of me and I'll never recover

Feeling like I am going mad, having a nervous breakdown or needing sectioned

Feel spacey and different towards my loved ones

29-10-15, 15:37
Constant tiredness and no energy or motivation
Want to be alone all the time, the company of anyone makes me anxious
Feeling of dread all the time
Hot flushes
Bad moods
Hate myself
Need to wee all the time
Acid indigestion

29-10-15, 15:50
Head pressure
Chest pains
Coughing /heartburn
Neck/back aches
Muscles twitches
Also can't sleep most nights at a reasonable time because of the fear.

Every one of these symptoms causes a good amount of panic, every time.

29-10-15, 19:00
Weak arm
Muscle fasciculations
Insomnia (mild, usually)
Loss of balance
Hot flushes (this is from new medication)
Restlessness in general
Dry mouth

We're with you pal!

30-10-15, 19:15
My main symptoms:
Dizziness/lightheadedness (by far the worst symptom)
Head pressure
Acid reflux
Constant worry /fear of what if
Taste/dry mouth
Fuzzy vision
Shaking in company of other people

Hope this helps

31-10-15, 13:29
Feels like throat is closing up and can't take a proper breath
Dizziness, like being on a boat
Wobbly legs
Tingling arms and legs
Slight agrophobia
Very weak voice when talking

These are to name a few, but the ones that's going on at the moment. Does anyone else have the weak voice when talking to people especially those who don't know I suffer with anxiety.

31-10-15, 15:06
Great thread to help us all see how many may be suffering with similar symptoms. Mine are:

Dizziness (comes and goes but having a bad few weeks)
Aches in legs / nervous feeling in legs and stomach (like before you go for an important interview but it lasts all day until I don't think about it)
Sadness - not depression as yet but getting that way. Crying when I realise I didn't have these issues 6 months ago
Lack of hope and lack of confidence

I'm coming off propranolol now as its making me worse, as i already have quite low blood pressure. I'm now in diazepam temporarily.

01-11-15, 16:44
mine are mainly as follows - but brother had HA 3 weeks ago and has heightened my anxiety

Severe Stomach cramps
Weak arms
Palpitations or it feels like it
weak (although im not eating right)
Hot one minute, freezing the next
pins and needles hands and feet
Dry mouth
Chest discomfort inc tightness just below my bra line

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

also forgot to add that it feels like someone is squeezing my right wrist

02-11-15, 15:55
Constant butterflies in chest
Pressure in chest
Arms and hands tingling
Feels like I cant breathe at times
Upset stomach
Wretching and vomiting
Eyes play tricks on me
Feels like the ground is moving when I walk

Living a nightmare just now

06-11-15, 10:56
Muscle fasciculation
Constant need to clear my throat
Constant worry /fear of what if
Want to be alone all the time, the company of anyone makes me anxious

20-07-21, 10:40
It’s been such a long time since this post and I’m browsing for help with my really bad dizziness at the moment. 6 years ago I listed dizziness as a symptom , a boat feeling , and here I am again with the same feelings. I have had anxiety for more than 6 years, sometimes feels like forever , I’m 57 now and just need a break as I suppose we all do. It’s making me a bit agoraphobic , I know it’s my thinking about it, but it was scary when I stopped to the ground with it while out walking. I don’t want it to happen again. I’m responsible for my mum too who lives 3 mins away , she’s 88 and relies on me, but I keep making excuses why not to go out. It’s just rubbish. Anxiety is rubbish. Anyway it was just an observation. This site is a big help to me 😊