View Full Version : Petrified it's melanoma can anyone reassure me?

29-10-15, 17:08
Hi all

I posted recently about discovering moles I never knew I had

The one that I found first (and started this panic off) is on my face and neither me or my partner thought we had noticed it before.
I went to the GP who referred me to mole clinic.

I was so panicked I asked my partner to check me for other moles. He found 2 that don't look like normal moles.

The one I'm most worried about is at the top of my leg under bum cheek on the side. It's not an area I've ever looked at before.

The mole is 4mm long by 2mm wide, really dark brown (parts looks black in some lights) one edge is slightly jagged and there's a bump in it. I think the bump could be a hair folicle (I have raised hair folicles all over my legs and upper arms like chicken skin)

The thins calming me down are:
I found it 2 weeks ago and it hasn't grown or changed colour
It's smaller than the end of a pencil

The fact it's not symmetrical, so dark and different shades have convinced me it's melanoma

I had dermoscope at mole clinic and am waiting for results now, I'm so scared.

My partner and parents say it just looks like a normal mole but it doesn't! It looks similar to some pictures of melanoma except maybe smaller

Can anyone help me feel better?

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

Oh forgot to say since initial panic I've gone back an looked at photos and the one on my face has been there for at least 2 years and hasn't changed from the looks of it
That's why I'm less worried about that one now...but it has led to me discovering these others!

29-10-15, 17:14
Speaking about the one on your leg, I had one that sounds the exact same as it in the same place. Back of leg and it was larger than the others I have, darker too, mostly round but had a weird edge to it. All of the things you are worried about. I'd never seen it before, because like you said, it's not a place you look often. I got it removed a few weeks ago and it turned out to be totally normal even though it looked quite different than the others I've got. So I hope that reassures you. Just because it looks odd, doesn't mean it is anything, it just means you should make sure. I am so sure it will turn out to be nothing for you as well :)

29-10-15, 17:25
Thank you for your reply. I'm really frustrated with myself because if I hadn't thought the one on my face was new I'd never have looked for the others.

I've never had a bad sunburn, certainly not there!! And I've used a sun bed maybe 10x in my life. I never even thought I'd had many moles until I started looking, and I wish I hadn't :(

29-10-15, 17:34
No problem! Same thing happening to me! Only been sunburned once in my life and it was on my shoulders. Yet I feel like I'm finding new moles all the time and it freaks me out. The leg one was what set me off, then I just started finding them. I've always had a handful, not too many, I still don't have a ton but I feel like I'm on full alert now. It sucks :(

Also the thing is, I have at least I wanna say 5 moles that look "funny" to me, but I think I've had them as far back as I can remember. It's hard to know when to worry and when not to.