View Full Version : feeling scared and alone again

17-09-04, 12:22
well not much to say here, the title says it all.. just this same old emtpy dark hopeless feeling

yesterday not a good day. finally after 5 weeks of waiting and dreading the postman, got the letter about the next stage of this horrible legal mess i've got myself into. (deep sigh),had horrible anxiety attack and i can't get hold of a soliciter, and i have around 3 weeks left. what on earth am i going to do?? its hard for me to track down a soliciter, i have problems using the phone and recently probalems going outside alone. i have phoned the samaritans and told them

i just wanted to talk to someone, feeling pretty desperate, and facing another weekend alone



17-09-04, 13:11

Hang in there. You are coping really well. I'll be on and off the computer over the weekend, so feel free to PM/email, and if you feel up to it IM me.

Do you like fan fiction? It can be really good at cheering me up and distracting me. Try http://www.fanfiction.net/ for a whole reange of fandoms.


17-09-04, 15:53
hello there,

We have all felt just as low at some point or another. I know it's hard but just try to stay positive and you will pull through it!!

Sarah :D

17-09-04, 18:33
Citizen's Advice ?

They are usually good in a crisis.
If you explain your problems to them they may be able to help you.

When Lloyds bank was chasing my tail I hated the arrival of the postman and I dreaded the phone ringing.

Hang in there hun. I know it feels like you are alone, but we are all behind you.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

17-09-04, 23:40
Hi Oshun

Sorry you are feeling so bad. Any way i can help i will and like everyone on here we will.

Email me if you need to talk hon, dont go through this alone.

Love Sal xxxxx

18-09-04, 10:21

i'm being lazy and sending a reply to all you lovely poeple at the same time :)

decided to try and not worry about things over the weekend being as there is not much i can do about it til monday anyway.(deep breath)

yes i initially approcehed the citizens advice but cos i have over a certain amount of money they are not allawed to help me ( doh) so they recomended a number of other soliciter who deal with these kind of cases and they all said the same thing. now it is turning into a criminal prosecution i am allowed a criminal soliciter and CAB have recommended one but they dont return any of my increasingly desperate and anxious phone calls ( aaarrggghh).

so that is it in a nutshell. i wonder if disappering to deserted caribean isalnd wopuld be the best way ( if only....)

i wanted to give you all big hugs{{}}. reading your kind and supportive messages brought tears to my eyes. thank you all so much


19-09-04, 11:07

Hang in there.