View Full Version : worried about PCOS

15-02-07, 17:05
Polycystic Ovaries - does anybody know anything about how common this is.
i started with acne about a year ago and i know this is a symptom of pcos, i also only really have period pains on my left side is this normal or could it mean that there is a problem?

15-02-07, 23:25
Hi Kellym,

I actually have PCOS and from what I've read about it I think it affects about 5-10% of women of childbearing age.

While it's true that acne can be a symptom, acne is not necessarily related to that at all.

Period pain can be felt anywhere and only having pain on the left hand side doesn't necessarily indicate a problem.

If you're worried about anything at all chat it all through with your gp, it's quite easy to diagnose PCOS.


16-02-07, 00:04

I have PCOS.

What aspects of it are you concerned about?

If its fertility, well it took me only 2 months to conceive my daughter who is now 5 and I am again pregnant.

It just means that you have many cysts on the ovaries. The Doc can do a blood test or even a scan on your ovaries. When I had a scan, the Doc told me I had beautiful ovaries!!

I really would go to the Doc if you are at all concerned. Did you know Victoria Beckham has it as well? There are many new meds now you can take, one is called Metformin, its a diabetic medication. If you have PCOS, ask your Doc about this.

Take care - Liz xx

16-02-07, 08:55

thanks for your replies, it is the fertility aspect im concerned about i just get so worried that i cant have children, i did have a scan about 1.5 years ago and nothing showed up then, when they check doing a blood test do they have to do it at a certain part of the month (to see if you ovulate)? i have missed a period which i think is due to my anxiety as i was quite ill with it and lost over half a stone so i know this would probably affect my periods, i have come off the pill now because i want to see how my cycle is and so far i have still not come on, its good to know though that you can still get pregnant, will the doctor check me for this if i ask or will i have to have more symptoms before they will do anything?
congratulations Lizzie!!

16-02-07, 11:40
Hi Kelly,i was told by my gp that I have pcos syndrome.I had a scan which like Lizzie was told I had lovely ovaries.But my blood test showed I have higher levels of testosterone,and my symptoms are facial hair,hair around my nipples,acne around my jaw line which is at certain times of the month.Its very difficult to lose wieght to.Im haveing blood tests done to see if im ovulating,but my age is also against me as Im 40.I have no children yet!!!!!
Congratulations to you Lizzie.
I still have monthly periods.

Ellen XX

16-02-07, 23:07

Thanks for the congrats!!

Please dont worry, I think its more common than we realise.

The blood test is called a Day 21 - they take the blood 21 days after the start of your period to see if you have ovulated.

The Doc can then give you Metformin and Clomid (which induces ovulation). Apparently losing weight helps the cysts on the ovaries as well. (Please dont take offence at this).

One if my problems with PCOS is I just cant loose weight around my tummy, my arms and legs are skinny, but I look like a potato on cocktail sticks!!!!

If you go to the Docs, I would really like to hear what he says.

Take care - Liz xx:D

16-02-07, 23:33
I find my wieght problem is around the belly area to.

Ellen XX

17-02-07, 22:34
Hi, i dont think they could check if i have it with the blood test because i dont know when the 21 days will be as i was on the pill and havent come on since coming off it. is the being overweight quite a common sympton as i was actually underweight when i lost half a stone through being ill, now i think i am the right weight for my height.
i will definately go to the doctors, thanks so much for your replies.


18-02-07, 23:06

I have PCOS too! I have the hair (thankfully not too bad), pretty bad skin at times and trouble with weight gain. I also have high prolactin and high testosterone. My scans showed two ovaries cleverly disguised as bunches of grapes!! I have taken metformin for years and that really did help with weight at first. I am having trouble with fertility (have been trying for over 2 years - althought I do ovulate?!?) but I also know women with pcos that concieved straight away, so its not a automatic problem.

As everyone said...Go back to the docs. Also there's a good support charity called Verity that gives some great advice and information.

19-02-07, 22:23
Thanks for the advise everyone, im going to the doctors this week to see if they will give me a blood test, i had 3 blood samples taken from me about 6 months ago to check for something else and the doctor said he was going to check for everything one of them was a fasting blood test, would these tests have shown anything abnormal up?

20-02-07, 18:25
does anybody know if you can carry on taking Citalopram if they are trying for a baby?