View Full Version : How long do bruises take to go?

31-10-15, 09:08
I walked into a door with my upper arm and noticed two weeks ago a bruise. But its not changed at all in the past two weeks, looks just the same. It was a really nasty knock on my arm so I was expecting a bruise but I have not had a bruise last this long before without noticing it improving.

31-10-15, 10:05
I had a bruise on my thigh, which I had no idea how I got but it was a whopper and lasted for 3 weeks. It took over a fortnight to finally change from blue to red to greeny yellow which to me was ages as they usually change within a few days.Give it another week and if it hasn't faded, go to your doctor for peace of mind but if it is a bad bruise, I'm sure it's normal for it to take longer to heal. Also, don't prod or touch it as I know we with health anxiety love to do that! But that'll keep it flared up and irritate it and stop it from healing

31-10-15, 10:14
I've usually found a few days, maybe a week at most with something standard.

But, if you want a weird one, how about this...I was wearing walking boots that were a bit too tight which resulted in me banging my toes a lot. They ended up bleeding from the nail digging in & getting bent. The nail ended up curled and I had to wait a year to regrow a new one underneath it which was pushing it up so it was bulky. I trimmed it now & again as well as got something under the nail to get out at dried blood. BUT it was bruised under there for quite some months even though it felt fine. It was a strange one.