View Full Version : halloween

31-10-15, 15:45
just wondering if anyone here has any tips for how to be less anxious during Halloween

things like trick or treaters knocking on my door and knowing that everywhere I turn (the radio, the tv, etc,) has Halloween stuff on.

even if I just sit in silence, all I can hear from outside is Halloween stuff.

so what do you all do to help you get through Halloween

I've all ready told myself that i'm not answering the door to anyone, no matter how hard they knock and scream and joke, but any other Halloween tips?

thanks xx

31-10-15, 16:22
I go to bed my safe place! The knocking on the door freaks me out too. Maybe watching a DVD or listening to music with headphones on will help. Hope it's not too bad for you

31-10-15, 20:09
you can get signs that you can print out that say "no trick or treaters please"

If you feel guilty about not taking part then put a bowl if sweets on your door step that they can help themselves to without knocking

31-10-15, 20:54
Hope your getting through the night ok. I put a sign up, turned off all my lights and unplugged my door bell. Sitting watching the TV with my little dog. . No callers so far x

01-11-15, 05:28
I just print one of these off as large as possible and stick it on my front door:


Just Kidding. :D

We had one and it was a 15 year old girl on her own. It's an improvement as last year we had two knocks. So, next year is looking good :yesyes:

One of the annoying things Venus is it really does depend where you live. Put one of those signs up in my area and who knows whether your door gets egged or even bricked. Then again, the idiots just do things like that if they want to any time of the year.

I plan on getting a large Totem pole and dancing around it (good for anxiety too :yesyes:) whenever all doorstop begging is due to occur (Halloween, Xmas carols) :D

01-11-15, 09:56
hi all,

thanks for responding to my thread.

turns out that I was lucky, I didn't have any trick or treaters knock- though plenty went past.

ate toad in the hole and then just downloaded some music and ate harrybo.
i didn't even play any scary music

so yeah

was able to avoid it thank god

well that's it for another year..


01-11-15, 15:16
Glad you got through it Emily x x