View Full Version : ALS fears continue

31-10-15, 17:48
I have read that weakness comes before atrophy in ALS which has reduced my worry but I am still concerned as 1 patch of the skin on my thigh feels very thing when I pinch it compared to the other which is worrying me as I have read this is a sign of atrophy and as ALS tends to start in 1 place the fact its in 1 spot worries me. Does anyone know what could cause this please I am really worried? I also have a weird feeling there which could be twitching (making me freak out) but exactly feel like twitching and is not always there almost like a wet feeling with occasional twitching in that spot. Please someone help

31-10-15, 18:16
Wouldn't a simple trip to a doctor put you at ease? There's no point in sitting on the internet trying to diagnose yourself, mainly because it's impossible.

31-10-15, 21:18
I feel for you, my HA just comes and goes, the past couple of days have been rough. I was recently put on antidepressant meds. I am now getting some twitching in my body, I know it's probably a side effect, BUT my brain just starts wandering. I have been looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I'm not wasting away, I constantly lift stuff to make sure I still have strength. It's driving me nuts! I have even thought about asking my Dr to send me to get checked for MS/ALS. I'm beginning to think that meds are a double edge sword, they give you side effects which fuel your HA. Keep your head up Jamie!


31-10-15, 22:39
Thanks for the replies guys unfortunately I find it difficult going to the doctor because of the fear of being diagnosed

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

(dont read this if this could trigger or increase als worries)
i am terrified i just read of someone whos symptoms were not being able to say about 4 words and another whos symptoms were extra saliva production and i have noticed that which has me freaking out as i have had more saliva recently and feel like i cant say some words from time to time.

01-11-15, 21:52
You are so like me ...I refused the Dr too I had twitching for a year all the time visible twitches my arm even pitted in at the top .I convinced myself this was muscle wastage . I take magnesium now and the twitches are still there now and again but ..nothing more has made me think I have als even though I convinced myself I did...the more I was certain the more I twitched ....vicious circle. Drink water no cafine sleep and it WILL pass

---------- Post added at 21:52 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

We all can't say words from time to time ...I dropped cans of beans ....I was seeing how long I could hold my arms up for. Hop on one leg that's what I did ....tell me you can't do that but if you can ...you're fine ..I looked for things the more I worried about the disease the more i goggled it was a bad place to be in....just typing this I've had 3 twitches . ! Under my skin . The mind is a powerful thing .

02-11-15, 00:46
Pepsi your words were really reassuring thank you. Btw did you have twitches which are not visible?
I am still really worried and have read about fasciculations and fabrilations and have been trying to find out which I have but everytime I look at the muscle which was previously twitching all twitching disappears and another place will twitch e.g looked at left leg where its been all day none and it moved to right leg when looking at both my shoulders twitched. Could this mean its all in my mind as it all only started when I really started thinking about my twitches. Also can twitches in my feet and calf be caused by injury to my ankle as thats when most of these symptoms started. I know you guys are not doctors but I am currently unable to go to a doctor as I am on holiday but cannot enjoy it.