View Full Version : Suffering a setback with GAD

31-10-15, 18:52

I'm currently going through a bigger setback than usual on my road to recovery, has anyone else suffered with;

- not being able to stand up and walk properly without feeling like you're about to fall right back down?
- things come across darker than usual?
- constant dizziness?
- what feels like an electric shock down my left arm and lips?

I also experienced sitting on a wobbly chair and feeling like I was swaying a lot further than what the chair was actually moving! (I'm told this is De-realization) it sucks!

Had a better day today and got myself to do more than the last week so hoping I'm coming out the other end of the setback :)

31-10-15, 22:20
I went on holiday just over a month ago, two days before I had a panic attack and ended up in a & e. The following day (day before holiday) I must have been very stressed as I got really light headed and dizzy, nausea, pain all down the right side of my body. It got to the point where I thought that I had trapped a nerve because I got this massive pain in my leg when I moved and I also had sharp pains in my hands/forearms.

I made sure I got a good nights sleep and I felt so much better the next day, and was able to go away. Wasn't over my anxiety but those horrible physical sensations were gone. I tend to get the painful nervey feeling in my arms or legs when I feeling particularly stressed.

Just try to relax, make sure you get enough sleep and eat proper meals. Going for walks is good too, just to get some fresh air and a bit of excercise. Sorry I can't give very good advice but I hope you feel better soon!!

31-10-15, 23:49
Thank you for the reply! I'm glad you managed to get away and I hope you had a good time! They're such strange sensations it's almost hard to explain. This setback has lasted a week so far but graduall feeling better each day, I'm a few months into recovery and my Dr has repeatedly said that setbacks are inevitable and happen more frequently at the beginning and less frequent as weeks, months go on.

Thanks for the advice it means a lot!!

01-11-15, 00:10
Thank you, I did! I know what you mean, it's also so hard to comprehend that our minds can make our bodies feel like this.

I wish you all the best in your recovery, it sounds like you're working hard for it!